<Archer2> Ah, a channel without ops.

<Gizmo-> wanted to give you guys a present..:P

<Archer2> This is the way... :-)

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Emmy_Doll> hahah no but i just wanted to make sure that got on there :)))

<Archer2> Oh no.

<Archer2> Now MusicBox is gonna pester us.

<Dima-> Something nostalgic even in this :)

<Archer2> Can't it see none of us are ops?

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<AgentR> and u were, my own baby,

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> SunBelt told W I was an op, but it won't work anymore. And he's not aro

und to fix it.

<Emmy_Doll> :)))))))

<Gizmo-> hahaha...any owners of musicbox here?

<AgentR> ugh

<Archer2> Drifting....

<Archer2> Drifting...

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<ksims2> were is sunbelt ???

<Archer2> Underneath the stars baby baby yeah

<Archer2> Track 03.

<AgentR> grrr

<Gizmo-> this is all my fault!!!

<Archer2> ONE SWEET DAY.

<Archer2> And she's not here.

<Archer2> Doh!

<Dima-> Guys, gotta leave now... nomatter how I hate it.. :(

<Gizmo-> ONE SWEET DAY!!!!!!!! Dina...may i have this danbce with you?????

<xl-> what???????????????

<xl-> sure love

<Archer2> Aw. Bye Dima. It's been swell.

Nick changed to PizzaMan

<Dima-> Archer, hope to catch you tomorrow

<PizzaMan> Here's half of the Pizza for you, Dima.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Emmy_Doll> tell me when track 3 comes on and ill try and sync in

<Dima-> Ken! my best!

<PizzaMan> And the rest- there's plenty to go around- pineapple, supreme whatever


Gizmo- dance with Dina

<ksims2> Hey archer do you have Pizza Hit down there ???

Dima- says Aurevour (or whatever is correct :)

<PizzaMan> Yes, Ken. Pizza Hut are everywhere.

<xl-> au revoir is right

<ksims2> see you Dima

<Dima-> Bye! till soon!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIAH!!!!!!!!!!

Dima- has left IRC : - Do you have the best?

<ksims2> was nice running into you here again ))

Nick changed to Archer2

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Gizmo-> hahaha..the owners of musicbox are goingto kill me..:P

<ksims2> Pizza Hut started right HERE in the hometown of southwind.net ))

<Archer2> What, did you flood it, Giz?

Archer2 cheers

<Archer2> It was a party pooper- you were justified.

<ksims2> They need to make a Mariah Pizza

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Gizmo-> no...i oped all you guys..and musicbox did a mass de-op

<ksims2> one that really sings !! )

<Gizmo-> i better leave them a note in musicbox

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> I wonder what Mariah's fav pizza is?

<AgentR> together......

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

h2o` has joined #mariah

<ksims2> good ?

<Archer2> Yo, water is in da house.

<h2o`> mornin all

h2o` ~H2O oahu-184.u.aloha.net * :H2O

h2o` :#Mariah

h2o` springfield.mo.us.undernet.org :[] OnTheNet www.getonthe.net

h2o` :End of /WHOIS list.

<AgentR> hey oro,

<Archer2> Ha, someone in the Pacific region, perhaps?

<h2o`> hiyaaa!

<h2o`> how r ya prin

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<ksims2> hey H20

Archer2 pours the morning guy a morning drink

<Archer2> Track 04

<AgentR> great!

<AgentR> u?

<ksims2> hey I have to be going (( for a bit

<ksims2> but will be back in 1 to 1.5 hours

<Archer2> OK, Ken. This guy works too hard....

<AgentR> so now i come to u....... with open arms.....

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<h2o`> hey ksims2

<h2o`> i..just got up..

<h2o`> hehe

Without_U has left IRC : error to Without_U[line19.passau.baynet.de]: Connect

ion reset by peer

Archer2 applaudes Ken and all his great work

<ksims2> don't pig down all the pizza as I am away !!!!

<Archer2> Take a doggy bag. Did they start in southwind?

<Emmy_Doll> wooooooooooooo

<ksims2> thanks Archer, but it is all of the fans working together that make all


<Emmy_Doll> bye Dima :)

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Emmy_Doll> nice to meet you

<Archer2> I think Emmy has some monster lag.

<Emmy_Doll> hehe

<ksims2> hehe don't think so archrer

<Gizmo-> bye all!!!!

<Archer2> Bye Giz...

Gizmo- has left IRC :

<ksims2> back in a bit

<ksims2> bye bye

<xl-> bye

ksims2 has left IRC :

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> So, where is everyone from?

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<xl-> 14/f/Yugoslavia

<Archer2> (Ignore the bot. It's a bit thick.)

<Emmy_Doll> mmmm pizza for breakfast :)

<AgentR> sydney, aus

<xl-> I'm off

<Archer2> 22/M/Tasmania

<xl-> WANT to sleep

<h2o`> night xl sweetdreams

<Archer2> Alright xl. Glad you could come.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Do do doop!

<Archer2> Track 05

<Archer2> Always Be My Baby

<xl-> byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

<AgentR> we were as one...

<h2o`> ar why u up so early?

<h2o`> ohh brb

<Archer2> It's my party, h20

<AgentR> oops, i forgot i had non-stop play

<Archer2> Well, actually it's Mariah's party

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> But I organized it.

<Emmy_Doll> bye dima :)

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

#Mariah :You're not channel operator

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Stupid bot.

Archer2 hates bots

<h2o`> k

AgentR kicks the bot

<Archer2> Well, Dima and Ken are gone, we have to talk about something...

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Any suggestions?

xl- has left IRC : timeout for xl-[ASE0-P46.beotel.net]

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Once I was a prisoner....

<Archer2> Track 06.

<Archer2> I Am Free... Free to fly...

<AgentR> nope i'm still a little groggy

mcrulz has joined #mariah

mcrulz has left #mariah

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Did you go to Dereks party last night, R? Or did you have other plans.

Archer2 went, but Java was rooly slow. He's glad to be back on IRC.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Emmy_Doll> wooo ABMB

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Where are all the ops, long time passing....

<Emmy_Doll> HiYa H2o

<AgentR> nup,

Smokes has joined #Mariah

<Archer2> Usually this place is full of ops.

AgentR slaps MusicBox around a bit with a little trout =)

<Archer2> Hey Smokes...

<h2o`> hi emmy_doll

<h2o`> hey paul!

<Archer2> She's a bit lagged, H2o. Like 5 mins or so, ABMB was 2 songs ago.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Track 07.

<Smokes> hi

<Emmy_Doll> Archer im on track 5

<AgentR> when i saw u.....

Archer2 pours smokes a drink, just in time for When I Saw You.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> I don't think she even realises she is lagged...

<h2o`> bnk its time for me to go.. byebye all have a good day/night :DD

<Archer2> Hye guys, the pizza is getting cold. Dig in...

h2o` has left IRC :

<AgentR> aww! cya

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> So, R, which concerts did you see, if any?

AgentR dosen't think pizza is very good at this time of the day

<Archer2> Mariah does, R.

<Archer2> That's good as Gospel for me.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<AgentR> 3rd feb

<Archer2> "It's always dinnertime somewhere in the world." :-)

<AgentR> argh.......

<Archer2> Just ignore it.

<AgentR> its sooo annoying.....

<Archer2> Op. Op. Where for art thou op?

Archer2 chuckles

<AgentR> hmm....

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> I was supposed to see Feb 16.

MariahUK has joined #mariah

<Archer2> But it was cancelled.

<Archer2> Just my luck.

Archer2 kept his ticket.

<Archer2> Hi UK.

<Archer2> Back again?

<Archer2> Playing track 08, Long Ago.

<MariahUK> Yep!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<AgentR> no ops until musicbox is oped

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<MariahUK> Ok

<Emmy_Doll> i think i do too :) hey guys...what server are you on

<Archer2> Surely W can op people. He's supposed to op me, but he doesn't recogniz

e me, and SunBelt aren't around to help out.

<Emmy_Doll> byeee

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> I'm on vancouver.bc.ca.undernet.org. Try that.

<Emmy_Doll> brb

Emmy_Doll has left IRC : the begining, there was the word, and the word was M

ariah. Mariah then proceded to create God to keep her company' - Archer 1:1

* :Target left UnderNet. Failed to deliver: [I'm on vancouver.bc.ca.undernet.org.

Try that.]

<Archer2> She's got a good line there...

<Archer2> All so far away...

<Archer2> Haunt me...

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Shame I can't turn this up. But it ain't even 9am yet.

Emmy_Doll has joined #Mariah

<Archer2> Emmy.

<Emmy_Doll> back!

<Archer2> Lagged this time?

<Emmy_Doll> hey archer

<AgentR> i think i've just woken all me neighbours

PING time for Emmy_Doll : 5s

<Emmy_Doll> hmmm ping me

<Emmy_Doll> lol Agent r

<Archer2> 3s- I guess that's a big NOOO! :-)

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Emmy_Doll> WOO_HOO! what song are u up to Archer

<Archer2> About to go track 09.

<Archer2> NOW!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> You come to me...

<AgentR> and baby i just melt away.....

<AgentR> eeks, i'm ahead?

<Archer2> In a casual flow...

<Archer2> No, AgentR, our lag has reduced since we synced, that's all.

<Emmy_Doll> im at the end of track 7 :(

<AgentR> oh dear...

<Emmy_Doll> here lemme put it at no 9

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Don't worry, it's only 20secs out, which is pretty good.

<Emmy_Doll> there :)

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

Emmy_Doll sings 'and baby i just melt away...fall like rain'

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Rhapsodize...

<AgentR> maybe i could melt away in your arms

<Emmy_Doll> i love this song, Archer

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Me too, Emmy. Great track...

<MariahUK> Is Anderz here..?

<Archer2> No, I haven't seen him for weeks.

<AgentR> from now until forever......

<Archer2> Not that I'm here THAT often.

<Emmy_Doll> :)

<Archer2> Track 10, Forever.

<AgentR> u will always be the only one.......

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<MariahUK> Does he come on IRC?

<Emmy_Doll> see noe im on the end of track 9 almost

Vanished has joined #mariah

<Archer2> He used too. Well, in 1996, that was the last time I saw him here. :-)

<MariahUK> Hi

<Vanished> aha

<Emmy_Doll> WB VaNiSHeD

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

Archer2 had a couple of years off IRC

<Vanished> always nice to have masters around to op the bot

<Archer2> Yo Vanished.

<Vanished> grrr

<Vanished> what happened?


<AgentR> gizmo did something

<Vanished> lol

<AgentR> yeah

<Archer2> Apart from that, we are happily enjoying Daydream, Melt Away.

<Vanished> of course

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Forever, I mean.

<Archer2> Hm, maybe I needed more than 5 hrs sleep. :-)

MariahUK wishes Mariah a very happy birthday

<Archer2> We love you Forever Mariah!

<Emmy_Doll> lol archer

<Emmy_Doll> yeah!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> AgentR: No, Gizmo tried to fix it, I think. It was W that kicked MusicB


<Archer2> That's Undernet admin.

<Archer2> Track 11.

<Vanished> grrr

<Emmy_Doll> Hey did you guys watch the footy show on Thursday, they mentioned her


<Vanished> shadup bot

<Archer2> Sweet Dub (Daydream Interlude).

<Archer2> It's so sweet...

MariahUK is listening to Without You, my favourite song....... Can't live....

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!


<Emmy_Doll> I love this song!!!!! I LOVE ALL The remixes but this one rules :))))


<Archer2> We listened to Without You while OSD was doing her speech.

<Archer2> And a fine speech it was.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Yeah, 'tis a great mix Emmy.

<Archer2> Shame I can't really pump up the volume.

<Emmy_Doll> hahah yeah that is, because i have :))))

Archer2 is waking up the neighbours

<AgentR> i already have and woke up my whole family in the process

<Archer2> Time to get up, Sleepy Heads!

Emmy_Doll sings ' and daydream is all that i can do, I feel rapture over you'

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Listen to Mariah on her B'day.

GTornado has joined #Mariah

<Vanished> hey deland

<Vanished> wb

<GTornado> hi todd...

<GTornado> what the hell happened?

<Vanished> do u have access to w?

<AgentR> hehehe

<Vanished> on this channel'

<Archer2> And the Tornado sweeps through...

<Emmy_Doll> wb GTornado

<GTornado> not on this channel.

<GTornado> thanks, emmy

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Emmy_Doll> my pleasure :)

<Archer2> Aw. Looking In (track 12).

Archer2 feels a tear in his eye

<Emmy_Doll> ohh i love 'Looking IN' ...

<AgentR> i'm driving every nuts....

<AgentR> b'fly alll day yesterday......

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Vanished> who needs to be driven?

<Vanished> hehe

<Emmy_Doll> hahah Agent R

<Emmy_Doll> heheh

<Archer2> You go, R. That's the way. I played Do You Think Of Me and Slipping Awa

y yesterday.

<Archer2> Rooly loud, like.

<Archer2> People gotta here them songs.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<AgentR> no i started 6am and went through the whole day

<Archer2> End of Daydream.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

Vanished kicks the bot

<Archer2> So sad... :-(

<Archer2> Time to cheer up.

Archer2 sings Happy Birthday again!

<AgentR> whats next?

<Archer2> Happy Birthday To You!

<Archer2> Happy Birthday To YoU!

<Archer2> Happy B'day dearest Mariah!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Happy B'day to you!

Smokes has become MCAlb

<Archer2> Hip hip... Hooray!

<Archer2> Hip hip... Hooray!

<Archer2> Hip hip... Hooray!

<Emmy_Doll> hip hip...horray

<Archer2> For She's a jolly good fella, and so say all of us.

<Emmy_Doll> what cd is next, archer

GTornado has left IRC :

<Archer2> I dunno. You choose Emmy.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Emmy_Doll> and so say all of us!

<AgentR> hip hip horray x28

<Vanished> hahaha

<Vanished> musicbox ping reply 6.5 minutes

<AgentR> sheesh

<Emmy_Doll> hmmm i feel like listening to 'Vision of Love' so what about, Mariah


<Archer2> Not only is it whinging for ops, but it got lag.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<MariahUK> Sure... i love that cd

<Archer2> Sure thing Emmy. I'll just pop it in.

<Emmy_Doll> :)

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> OK. In 2 mins from now.

<Archer2> Mariah Carey, the album. On her b'day.

<Archer2> 1:30 left

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> 1:00 to go

<Archer2> 30 secs to Mariah Carey

<Archer2> 15 secs

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> 10

<Archer2> 5

<Archer2> 0

<Archer2> NOW

<Archer2> Vision Of Love, Track 01.

<Emmy_Doll> i think i got it :) i might be a second ahead tho

'SOUND fantasy.mid' from Vanished

<Archer2> Treated me kind, sweet destiny...

<Emmy_Doll> treated me kind...

Honey has joined #MARIAH

<Archer2> A second? Aw, that's nothing.

<Archer2> Wait til your lag changes.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

AgentR kills sister....grrrrr

<scorp61> ahhh yea, young girl go

Archer2 remembers in 1995 when the world had Daydream in perfect sync

<Archer2> Ah, Anderz sure can hold a party.


<Emmy_Doll> ohhhh thats cool

<Archer2> Hey Honey.

<MCAlb> :)


<Emmy_Doll> brb have to use 'the bathroom'

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> The Birthday Girl is in Spain.

<Honey> HELLO?

<Archer2> Livin' it up, no doubt, drinking some Moet. :-)

<Archer2> Us, well we're partying, playing Mariah carey (the album).

<Vanished> haha, true

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Woahahahahahahaha

<Archer2> Beeeeee!

<Archer2> Yeah!

<Archer2> Mmmm...

<Archer2> Track 02.

<scorp61> She got to Spain today?

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> She's been there for a few days, I think.

<MariahUK> I heard that shes in London

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<scorp61> She is doing a tv show ? or a few?

Honey has left IRC : ®A$ta §©®|pt v3.0 _\|/_

<Archer2> Where'd you here that, UK?

<Archer2> Yeah, promo stuff probably, scorp.

<MariahUK> Saw it on teletext

<Emmy_Doll> is she definitly, i though she was still in NYC

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<MariahUK> She might do the Lottery here.... ahhh.... i love her...

Vanishing has joined #mariah

<MariahUK> theres gotta be a way

<Vanishing> hi

<Archer2> Aw right. Well that Teletext don't lie. Anyway, Spain is a stones throw

from UK. Maybe she's on a ferry in the channel or something. :-)

<Archer2> Hey, vanish. Where did you disappear to? :-)

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Vanishing> who me?

<MariahUK> Archer... It takes about 6 hous on a ferry - I think she'd fly (in a p

lane.. not as a butterfly)

<Archer2> We'll have Vanishing on in a mo'. Playing MC (the album).

<Emmy_Doll> hahah mcuk

<Vanishing> Let me greet Mariah a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!

<Archer2> But you can drink more Moet on a ferry trip! :-)

Archer2 asks anyone if they'd like a Moet.

Vanished has left #mariah

<MariahUK> and maybe then the futire will be a time

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Vanishing> i love that song

<MariahUK> Nope... thanx... I'm on Orange juice

<Archer2> I don't listen to this album enough, you know.

<Archer2> The only one with an analogue master- sounds a bit tinny and has a poor

volume level.

<Vanishing> why are we so lil in no?

<Archer2> Track 03.

<Archer2> NOW

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> I Don't Wanna Cry

<Emmy_Doll> i think that Mariah prefers Cristal, personally

<Vanishing> where are the whole vision?

<scorp61> southern comfort Archer <smirk>

Archer2 pours a Southern Comfort for tha man.

<MariahUK> me to

<Emmy_Doll> Archer, we are in sync :)))))

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Aw well, they're all the same to me, Emmy. I drink Coke. No alcohol for


<Archer2> Actually I hate Coke.

<Archer2> But Mariah likes it, so I'll drink it for her. :-)

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<MariahUK> I have to drink coke..

Archer2 pours a European Coke, Mariah's fav soft drink.

<MariahUK> :-(

<AgentR> my sister is playing spice girls *knocks head against brick wall*

<Archer2> What song, R?

<Vanishing> haha!

<Emmy_Doll> actually, i was talking to someone who knows Mariah and she said Mari

ah prefers pepsi

<AgentR> argh...

<scorp61> girl power

<AgentR> noooooooo

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> You were talking to someone who knows Mariah????? Who, pray tell.

<MariahUK> can someone shut music box up

<Archer2> (Me, perhaps. :-) )

<Vanishing> pepsi??too sweet

<Emmy_Doll> well thats what she says anyhow

<Archer2> No, no ops here, UK.

mcfreak has joined #mariah

<Emmy_Doll> pepsi is yummy

<Archer2> Yo, Freak!

<mcfreak> hello every1

<Archer2> Yeah, Pepsi is cool. The choice of Generation Next. :-)

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Emmy_Doll> Hi MCFReaK

<Vanishing> hey freak!

<Vanishing> but i want the real thing!


<Archer2> Hm, it's nearly nine 30, shall I crank ready for Someday?

Archer2 thinks so

<Archer2> My flatmate just got up, so it should be OK with him.

AgentR agrees

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

Emmy_Doll agrees

<Vanishing> archer2: where is archer

<Archer2> Track 04, Someday. (loud)

AgentR has to get rid of her sis

<mcfreak> I made a big birthday cake for MC at my web page...

<AgentR> brb

Archer2 reinforces bass with DBFB.

<Archer2> Archer is right here. But I live in Tasmania, if that's what you mean.

<Vanishing> That stting mode thing is unfair

<Vanishing> How bout me??

<Archer2> MusicBox: At least it lags... It'll get slower and slower. :-)

<Vanishing> no the other one

<Archer2> Someday, he hey

<Vanishing> What cd is that??

<Emmy_Doll> just think again cos i dont need your love anymore .......

<Archer2> Dealt with your sister yet, R?

<Vanishing> musicbox then someday......?

<Archer2> We are playing Mariah Carey, T+16:40 NOW

<Archer2> Track 04, Someday.

<AgentR> yeah, she's going to her friends place soon

<Archer2> Coming up to track 05.

<Archer2> 10

<Archer2> 5

<Archer2> 0

<MariahUK> someday some day some some some day oooh. one you ghave way will be th

e only one

<Archer2> VANISHING!

<MariahUK> Someday!! Up high

<Emmy_Doll> mmmmmm i love vanishing :)

<Vanishing> my song!!

<Vanishing> I want it live!

<Archer2> Get The First Vision then, Vanishing/

<mcfreak> Yeah she did Vanishing at her Second Sydney concert

<mcfreak> and its without rehersal....

<Vanishing> problem#1: I have no money!

<Archer2> Well, surprisingly, she didn't do it at her second Melbourne concert (w

hich was actually the first booked).

<MariahUK> Vanishing. Download it from MariahOZ from 1993 LA xconcert

<MariahUK> it's live, and its great!

Vanished has joined #mariah

<Vanishing> anyone of u willing to send me a free recopied copy???:o)

MariahFan has joined #mariah

<Vanished> back

<Archer2> There are lots of invisibles here. :-)

<Vanishing> hi

MariahFan rblessi pm7-28.sba1.avtel.net * :---------

MariahFan :#Mariah @#mariah_carey

MariahFan phoenix.az.us.undernet.org :[] AMUG, Phoenix AZ

MariahFan :End of /WHOIS list.

scorp61 has left IRC :

<MariahUK> vanishing - you have mp3 player

<Archer2> Hey, MFan.

Archer2 pours MFan a drink

MARIAHer has joined #Mariah

Vanishing porsche ip91.sikatuna.manila-online.net * :Trixia

Vanishing :#Mariah

Vanishing Chicago.IL.US.Undernet.org :[] WorldWide Access IRC server

Vanishing :End of /WHOIS list.

<MARIAHer> hi

<MariahFan> hi everyone

<MariahUK> hi Melvin

<MARIAHer> paul, can you op some

<Emmy_Doll> she sung Vanishing so beautifully in Sydney :) was one of the best of

the night

<Vanishing> hi

<MCDUDE> howdy doodie:)

<Vanished> BOOOOM!

<Vanished> wooo

<Archer2> Hey MariaHer.

<Archer2> Track 06, AIYM.

<Emmy_Doll> hello to MCFan and Mariaher

<MariahUK> Yep

<Vanishing> wait, who guys have to teach me how to do that action thing......


No text to send

<Vanishing> the purple one

<AgentR> type /me

<MariahUK> do this /me

<Emmy_Doll> Vanishing: type /me before you write what you wanna say

<MariahFan> Happy Birthday Mariah


<Archer2> I just love Moog sythesizers. :-)

<Archer2> Moog and Mariah- da bomb!

<MariahUK> I gotta go

<AgentR> :(

<Archer2> OK, UK. It's been swell.

Vanishing typing...typing......

<Vanishing> ok

<MARIAHer> Rhonda.. can you op us?

<MariahUK> yeh

<Vanishing> thanks you!!

<Emmy_Doll> awwww so soon MariahUK

<MARIAHer> thanks!

<MariahUK> Yep.. I wanna go to bed:-)

<Emmy_Doll> move closer my darling...

<Vanishing> hey ops me too!

<AgentR> who els wants ops?

<Emmy_Doll> yeah op me :)

Archer2 sings UK a lullaby in a Pommy accent

<MariahUK> op me

<Vanished> grrrr

<AgentR> anyone else?

<Emmy_Doll> pretty please

<Vanishing> Thanks!

<MCDUDE> so...] am I like the only one here that doesn't *know* anyone.

<Vanished> I am so lagged from this damn bot

<Emmy_Doll> ohhh thankyou so much :)

<MariahUK> hahahahha

Emmy_Doll °º©o¿@¿o©º°¨¨°º© AgentR ©º°¨¨°º©o¿@¿o©º°

Emmy_Doll °º©o¿@¿o©º°¨¨°º© AgentR ©º°¨¨°º©o¿@¿o©º°

Emmy_Doll °º©o¿@¿o©º°¨¨°º© AgentR ©º°¨¨°º©o¿@¿o©º°.

<Archer2> Hey DUDE, don't fret. You know us now. :-)

<Vanished> hmmm

<Vanished> thanx melin

<MariahUK> Clocks go foward one hour tonite

<Archer2> Don't worry.

<Archer2> Sing GIRL!

<MARIAHer> np

Archer2 hears high notes

Archer2 has his windows vibrating at their resonant frequency

<Emmy_Doll> baby its all in your mind...

<MariahUK> so its.. 23.41 now

<Vanishing> I guess its time to know each other

<Archer2> Pane one gone... SMASH!

<Archer2> Pane two gone... CRACK!

<Archer2> Track 07, AIL.

<Emmy_Doll> i blew out my friends speakers once with emotions

<MariahUK> ... next track.... all alone in love

<Archer2> Clocks go back 1 hour here, UK.

<MCDUDE> what does that thing in front of my name mean?

<MariahFan> MY ALL IS ON THE RADIO HERE!!!!!!!!!

<MariahUK> I love emotions live

<Emmy_Doll> ohhhhhhh MC Fan too cool!

<MariahUK> OP

<AgentR> when archer?

<MariahUK> Ok... so time is even more different

<Archer2> Means your an op MCDUDE.

<Vanishing> operator

<MCDUDE> well than i op for the butterfly cd

<Archer2> Could be tonight AgentR. I heard someone mention it to me this week.


<MariahUK> it's so hard holding on.. all alone in love

<Emmy_Doll> you haunt me in your dreams...

<Emmy_Doll> i figured out your style...

<MariahUK> You hold me in the breeze

<MariahUK> watch you fade away aheyyah

<AgentR> huh? really, i haven't heard about it

<Archer2> Siiting in the dark...

<MariahUK> held me for a while

<Archer2> Through the night...... SING!

<MariahUK> all alone ion love

<MariahUK> sittin in the dark without you

<Emmy_Doll> slowly fall apart without you

<MariahUK> cry away the hours till the morning light

<Emmy_Doll> i guess im all alone in ... love

<Archer2> Did you know, at any hour of the day, there are 1000 Mariah albums play


<MariahUK> ooh

Archer2 loves trivia


<MariahUK> Cool

<Vanishing> more than that

MariahUK has to go now.... see y'all... be back in the morning........... 8 hours


<Vanished> later

<Archer2> Track 08, You Need Me.

<Vanishing> bye bye

<Vanished> take care

<Archer2> Bye Vanished.

<Emmy_Doll> wooooooooooooooooooo Prisoner!

<MariahUK> and you.... see y'alll. happy bday Mariah

<Emmy_Doll> no its not ohmigod umm hahahaha im an idiot

<Vanishing> :o)

MariahUK has left IRC : error to MariahUK[166-181-40.ipt.aol.com]: Connection

reset by peer

<AgentR> we already knew that =p

<Vanished> lol

<Vanished> confused?

smappy has joined #mariah

<Archer2> Hi Smappy!

<Archer2> Have a drink.

<Archer2> What's your poison?

Archer2 preps a tumbler.

<smappy> hey archer

<smappy> and everyone else

<smappy> is this the partee?

<smappy> =p

<Vanishing> yeah!

<Archer2> Yes, it's THA PARTEEEE!

<Archer2> We are rockin to You Need Me!

<smappy> it's like 6 am here...

<smappy> hehehe

Archer2 rocks and rocks some more


<smappy> yeah!

smappy rocks too

<Emmy_Doll> hahah i wanted it to be prisoner ;))))))

<Archer2> Yeah, that 1000 was just a ball park figure. Sometimes I'd guess there

could be as many as a million Mariah albums playing at a time.

<Archer2> Sent From Up Above, Track 09

Archer2 feels the bass kick


Archer2 cheers loudly and raucously

<Vanishing> ...so much love...........

<Archer2> Sorry- I just don't get enough opportunities to use that word.

Agent-M has joined #mariah

<Archer2> Heaven HAD A PLAN!

<Archer2> And it's name was MAYRYE!

<Archer2> Hey, AgentM.

Archer2 pours AgentM his fav drink.

<smappy> lol

<smappy> hey anyway gtg to sch...

<Archer2> Ooo h Oooh (echo)!

Archer2 reverbs

<Archer2> OK, Smappy. Glad you could drop in.

<smappy> enjoy ur PARTTTTEEEEEEEEEE!

<smappy> see yas!

smappy has left #mariah

<Agent-M> hello

<Emmy_Doll> hahahahahaha thanks agant R :)

<Emmy_Doll> Hi SMaPPY

<Vanishing> Agent-M!!!!!!

<Agent-M> can I have ops?, I wanna be cool too

<Archer2> Ah, the bang brigade.

<Archer2> Was it you who got all the bangs at the dress rehersal, AgentM?


<Agent-M> thanks :-)

<Archer2> Screenfuls of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

<Archer2> Track 10, NOW.

<Archer2> Prisoner this time, Vanish.

Archer2 chuckles

<Agent-M> the bangs?

<Archer2> Rap it Mariah.

<Agent-M> I'm kinda lost here

<Archer2> The girl does tha worx.

<Vanishing> What's the MAYRYE plan?

<AgentR> whoa

MARIAHer has been kicked off by MusicBox because:

abusing desync

<Archer2> Well, it is a praty Agent M.

MusicBox has been kicked off by W because:


MusicBox has joined #Mariah

<AgentR> shit

mcfreak has left IRC : timeout for mcfreak[max214080.servers.unsw.EDU.AU]

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> We're playing Mariah Carey (the album), which may help with some things

. (People singing lines, making references etc.)

MARIAHer has joined #mariah

<MARIAHer> huh?

<MARIAHer> hmm..

<MARIAHer> # problem

<Vanishing> that is rude

<AgentR> sorry

#Mariah :You're not channel operator

<Vanishing> no not u R

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Bang= !

<Archer2> Break it down... Yeah.

<AgentR> argh...here we go again!

<Archer2> Hm, that is definitely a drum machine.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Vanishing> Why did we have to be deoped??

<Archer2> I don't know a drummer who can drum that fast.

<Emmy_Doll> hey you guys, ill brb okie?

<Archer2> OK, Emmy.

<Vanishing> i'm lost, what song is this?

<Archer2> Prisoner.

<Vanishing> ok

<Archer2> I'm not a doormat.

<Emmy_Doll> yeah prisoner :)

<Vanishing> oh!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Emmy_Doll> see-ya

<Agent-M> oh, we name songs?

<Emmy_Doll> hahah i love that part

<Emmy_Doll> okie ill brb

<Archer2> Love Takes Time, Track 11

Emmy_Doll has left #Mariah

<Vanishing> yeah me too

Chilz has joined #mariah

<Archer2> Hey, Chilz.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Want a drink.

<Chilz> Hey guys...

Archer2 is pouring everyone their fav drink

<Chilz> Sure...

<Vanishing> Chilz!!!!!!!!!!

MARIAHer is searching a Pic of my uncles airplane

Archer2 hand around some trays of nibbles.

<Chilz> Hey Vanishing!!!!! (do i know you).

MariahFan has left IRC : @ http://free.prohosting.com/~spiceg

<Archer2> Bangs (!) are back in town...

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> <american>I have to go to the bathroom</american>

<Archer2> Just a mo'.

<Vanishing> yes u do!!!ur no#1 fan!!!!!!!!!!!

<Vanished> lalalala

<Vanished> u know what

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

You have been marked as being away

Vanished has become Fading

Niklas_E has joined #mariah

<Vanishing> what?

<Fading> this is betta

<Chilz> I got 3 mariah singles in the mail today...

<Fading> damn that bot is lagged

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

Niklas_E has become theroof

You are no longer marked as being away

<Archer2> Er. Flatmate is in there. Do!

mcfreak has joined #mariah

theroof has become Niklas_E

<MCDUDE> cool... what singles?

<Chilz> ATYANF part 2, Without You/Never Forget You, and Dreamlover.

<Vanishing> sorry for that, i must be tha reason

<Archer2> End Of Mariah Carey (the album)

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Vanishing> butterfy

<AgentR> yeah

<MCDUDE> yeah!!!!! put on butterfly!!

<Archer2> The maxi Dreamlover, or the DYTOM Dreamlover?

<Niklas_E> hey

<Archer2> OK. Butterfly it is.

<Archer2> Load Butterfly. On my mark, we will play. :-)

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Vanishing> thank u

<Chilz> The 2track single of Dramlover.

<Niklas_E> .whois JennieG

<Fading> lol

<Fading> oops

<Chilz> I ordered the Maxi too it should come in a few days from now.

<Archer2> OK, Butterfly in 2 mins from NOW... mark.

<Vanishing> the one i told u about

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> 1:30 to Butterfly album.

<Archer2> 1 min til we sync Butterfly on track 01.

<Archer2> 45 secs

<Vanishing> Honey!!!

<Archer2> 30 secs

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> 15 secs

<Archer2> 10

<Archer2> 5

<Archer2> 0

<Archer2> CUE Honey!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

Vanishing jumps up and down!!!

<Niklas_E> ping

<Archer2> Com'on.

<Archer2> MC.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

Crave has joined #Mariah

<Archer2> Woah. Bass reinforced....

<AgentR> yay!

<Fading> woohoo

<Fading> hey crave

<Crave> sup

<Fading> welcome to the festivities

<Archer2> Yo, Crave tha man.

<Vanishing> crave!

mcfreak has left IRC :

<Archer2> Is MusicBox your bot?

<Archer2> Can you fix it?

<Crave> i can try

<Niklas_E> whos ?

<Crave> gimme a sec :)

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Vanishing> and can u op us again??

<Crave> hehe.. probably just lagged

<Crave> :)

ksims2 has joined #mariah

<Archer2> Honey I can't describe.

<Fading> yeah the bot is lagged alright

<Archer2> Welcome Back, ken.

<Crave> Hey Kien!

<Fading> somebody in teh bot jump her

<Vanishing> ksims!

<ksims2> hi again !!!

Archer2 thinks they should do a sitcom about Mariah fans on the net and call it t

he Ken Sims Show. :-)

<ksims2> hi Crave

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Playing: Butterfly, Track 01, Honey, T+3:15.

<ksims2> hi Vanishing )

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Crave> hehe

<Vanishing> cool

<ksims2> hehe

<ksims2> any pizza left

<ksims2> ?

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

Niklas_E has left #mariah

<Fading> grrr

<Archer2> Er, it'd be a bit cold now, Ken.

Phenome has joined #Mariah

<MCDUDE> yeah... i'm in synch! cool

<Phenome> Yes!! Mariah Carey rules!!:)

Archer2 orders another pizza

<Phenome> Mariah? where? I love Mariah!!

<Phenome> Yes!! Mariah Carey rules!!:)

<Phenome> Mariah? where? I love Mariah!!

<Phenome> Yes!! Mariah Carey rules!!:)

<ksims2> cant stay long, 5-10 min. as I have to go out and eat

<Phenome> Mariah? where? I love Mariah!!

<Phenome> Yes!! Mariah Carey rules!!:)

<Phenome> Mariah? where? I love Mariah!!

<Fading> grrr

Phenome has left #Mariah

<Fading> bot

<Fading> than you

<Crave> sowwy

<Crave> :)

<Fading> thank that is

<Fading> hehe

<ksims2> but when I get back I should be able a irc all night more or less )

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> OK, Ken. I have to go to the bathroom. :-)

<Archer2> I wonder if my flatmate is done in there yet? :-)

<Archer2> Track 02, Butterfly.

<ksims2> hehe

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

Nick changed to PizzaMan

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<AgentR> hehe

<PizzaMan> Here, try this on for size.

PizzaMan gives Ken his own personal pizza.

<MCDUDE> you have become a BUTTERFLY!

<AgentR> fly...

<ksims2> yea I will take a personal pizza !!

PizzaMan then delivers a 'Mariah Carey Fan Party' size Mariah supreme to the rest

of the crew.


<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<PizzaMan> See ya guys.

Nick changed to Archer2

<Fading> hmm

<Archer2> Thanks PMan.

Lori has joined #mariah

<Archer2> He Lori.

<Lori> hi :)

<ksims2> hi Lori !!!!

Lori cutie ppp170.wport.com * :«æLoVe-ScRiPtæ»

Lori :#Mariah

Lori RockHill.SC.US.Undernet.Org :[] CETLink.Net www.cetlink.net

Lori :End of /WHOIS list.

<Lori> hi ken :)

<MCAlb> hey lori

<Vanishing> hi lori

<Lori> hi paul

<Archer2> What's the bet Ken stays a while now... :-)

<Lori> hi brandon

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Lori> oh dat aint brandon :P

Lori smilez

<Fading> hmm

<Fading> are u sure

<Fading> hehe

<Fading> but I am me

<Lori> nono.. i saw vanishing and thought it was u ;p

<AgentR> lol

<Vanishing> yeah, not brandon

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Archer2> Crave, can you fix that bot or what?

Archer2 pleads

<Crave> i gave the jump commans

<Crave> command

<Crave> already

Vanishing pleads too....

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Crave> from msg.. but i can't DCC in

<Archer2> So it's lagging then?

<Crave> yes.. alot.

<MCDUDE> MY all people!!!!!

<Archer2> Track 03, My All.

<Vanishing> YEAH!!!!!!

<Fading> woohooo

<ksims2> cool track

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

Phenome has joined #Mariah

Vanishing is dancing it slow

MusicBox has left IRC : servers

Archer2 feels the bass

<Crave> there ya go

<ksims2> Archer: have you seen the MY All video down there ??

<Crave> :)

<Phenome> Mariah? where? I love Mariah!!

<Phenome> Yes!! Mariah Carey rules!!:)

<Phenome> Mariah? where? I love Mariah!!

<Archer2> No, Ken.

<Phenome> Yes!! Mariah Carey rules!!:)

<Phenome> Mariah? where? I love Mariah!!

<MCDUDE> MARIAH always gives HER all:)

<Archer2> Only Breakdown.

<Phenome> Yes!! Mariah Carey rules!!:)

Phenome has left #Mariah

<Vanishing> I did saw it

MusicBox has joined #Mariah

Crave saw someof it

<ksims2> bummers, I hope your music TV down there picks it up soon !!

<AgentR> same

<Crave> op the bot :)

You have been marked as being away

<Lori> lala i fixxxed it :p

AgentR is watching video hits rite now

<AgentR> i'm hoping to catch it

<Vanishing> hey me too

<Lori> Crave all ya had to do was relay from a diff bot that wasnt so lagged:p

<Crave> oh:)

<Fading> wow

<Fading> yeah u did fix it

<Fading> only 5 second ping compared to a six minute one :)

<MCDUDE> the bot just wanted to listen to MARIAH too:)

<AgentR> YAY!

Archer2 gives Crave three cheers on Mariah's birthday

OneSwtDay has joined #Mariah

You are no longer marked as being away

<MusicBox> [OneSwtDay] And I know yer shinin' down here on me from the Heavenz, m


<AgentR> about time too

<ksims2> well I got my call (( have to go for a bit. Hope to see you all in abou

t a hour or so, again

<Crave> thanks Archer

<Archer2> Track 04.

<Crave> Hi Britt

<ksims2> have a GREAT Mariah Day/Night bye bye

OneSwtDay opens the door and walks in.

<Fading> haha

<Lori> BRITT!

<Archer2> Tha Roof!

ksims2 has left IRC :

<Fading> I didn't even use the door!

<OneSwtDay> HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIAH CAREY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

<Fading> I came in through the window

<Archer2> Hey OSD. Time for a repeat of your speech, I think.

<OneSwtDay> Hehe:)

<OneSwtDay> Okay.

<Archer2> Pounding....

<Archer2> Resounding....

<MCDUDE> raise the ROOF!!

OneSwtDay makes her way to the podium.

Archer2 taps a glass- listen to this girl's speech. :-)

<MCDUDE> *all eyes on you

Fading sneezes

<Fading> *ahem* sorry

<Lori> blesss u brandon:)

Vanishing quiets them down

OneSwtDay grins, then taps the mic. "Is this on?! Testing..."

Archer2 presses fingers to ears- mic feedback.

Archer2 , with his finger in an ear, sings a high note just like Mariah.

OneSwtDay clears her throat and looks down at her paper. She begins.

<OneSwtDay> Good day, evening, morning, whatever everyone.:)

Phenome has joined #Mariah

<OneSwtDay> Today, Mariah Carey fans from all over the globe unite to celebrate a

national Mariah holiday: Mariah Carey's 28th birthday.

#Mariah :You're not channel operator

Phenome has left #Mariah

<MCDUDE> on the rooftop...

<OneSwtDay> This woman, this wonderful singer and inspiration, is the center of o

ur togetherness. Mariah Carey is more than just a singer.

Archer2 applaudes

<OneSwtDay> To us, she is our dreams, our future.

<OneSwtDay> Ask yourself "Where would I be without Mariah in my life?" Think abo

ut it.

<OneSwtDay> For me, I can safely say I wouldn't be here right now.

Vanishing sheds a tear

Lori starts freaking. .NO MARIAH IN MY LIFE?!?! aaahhhhh *die*

<Lori> ;p

Archer2 applaudes strongly

Crave applauds


<OneSwtDay> I'd be some mean snob or freak running around like a psycho.

<OneSwtDay> And what about our similiarities?

<OneSwtDay> Each and everyone of us is different; yet we're the same.

<MCDUDE> so true...

Vanishing stands and applauds

<OneSwtDay> We all have lots of things in common... mostly that being Mariah Care


Agent-M applaudes & whistles

<OneSwtDay> Also, we would know not of each other, for we have become a group...

a family.

Phenome has joined #Mariah

<OneSwtDay> I love all of you as if you were my real brothers and sisters.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

Phenome has left #Mariah

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<OneSwtDay> So please, lets all get together and celebrate, in my opinion, the /B

EST/ darn day of the year!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

Archer2 screams silently

<OneSwtDay> I love you all, and thank you so much!:)

Archer2 stands and applaudes loudly and raucously.

OneSwtDay smiles at everyone, then bows.

Fading wakes up

<Fading> hehe j/k Britt

<Crave> Brittany.. that was awesome

<Crave> :)

Fading whistles and screams

<MCDUDE> MCDUDE is moved and thanks OSD for the love.

<Fading> woohooo

<Archer2> And once again, Ken missed it... :-)

Vanishing jumps up and down

OneSwtDay steps down and sits in her seat, smiling widely.

Archer2 enters a chorus of Happy Birthday To You

<Fading> haha

OneSwtDay joins in

<Archer2> Happy Birthday To You! Happy Birthday To You!

GTornado has joined #Mariah

<Vanishing> I missed that good one, the first time

<Archer2> Happy Birthday Dearest Mariah!

<Archer2> Happy Birthday To You!

<Archer2> Hip hip...

GTornado has become XBuster

Archer2 cheers

<Vanishing> I LOVE YOU MARIAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Archer2> Hip hip...

OneSwtDay cheers WOOOO! Go Mariah! WE LOVE YOU!!!

Archer2 cheers again, as Track 06, Breakdown comes on

<Archer2> Hip hip...

Archer2 cheers again

XBuster has become DelandMCS

<AgentR> breakdown. :)

<Archer2> And She's a jolly good fellow, and so say all of us.

Vanishing starts a toast fo our Mariah

Archer2 raises his glass of European Coke.

Niklas_E has joined #mariah

<Archer2> Hey Nik!

<MCDUDE> I'm still feeling your speech OSD:) Loved it!

<Archer2> Welcome back.

<OneSwtDay> Thanks:)

<DelandMCS> hi nik

<Niklas_E> Hi

OneSwtDay gives MCDUDE A *HUGGIE*:)

Archer2 has heard it twice, and it just gets better and better.

<MCDUDE> hello hello

<OneSwtDay> Heya Nik!:)


OneSwtDay laughs:)

<Archer2> You know, Anderz first #Mariah party was good. But his is BETTER for su

re. :-)

<Vanishing> osd: that was great!!

OneSwtDay smiles:)

<OneSwtDay> Thanks Brandon:)

OneSwtDay wonders if the cake has been cut yet...

<Vanishing> im not brandon!

<Archer2> Ah, the cake!

<Fading> lol

<Fading> I love it

Archer2 wheels out the giantest cake you have ever seen

<MCDUDE> yummy!!!

<OneSwtDay> Eep!:P Brandon's Vanished:P

Niklas_E has become theroof

<OneSwtDay> My bad:P

<AgentR> cake? where?

<Archer2> I think OSD should cut it.

Archer2 hands OSD a sabre.

theroof has become Niklas_E

OneSwtDay hopes noone sees the lil piece she snuck earlier;)

<Vanishing> brb

OneSwtDay takes the knifethingy.:> "In honor of Mariah's 28th birthday, I cut thi

s cake." She makes the first cut on the cake.

<Archer2> Track 09, Whenever You Call.

<Crave> hehe.. save some for ppl who r coming later!!

Phenome has joined #Mariah

<Archer2> Did you make a wish for Mariah, OSD?

<DelandMCS> yeah...you can't forget those guys.

<Agent-M> track 9 is the best!

<AgentR> 09??

Phenome has left #Mariah

<Archer2> Track 07, Babydoll. Sorry!

OneSwtDay nods.:)

<Agent-M> (for me)

Archer2 is losing it. Too much Coke.

<AgentR> i thought so!

OneSwtDay says, "I wish her happiness, and hopes all her wishes and dreams come t


Fading has left #mariah

Archer2 burps, and puts his hand over his mouth embarassedly.

OneSwtDay gives the first piece to Arch:>

<Archer2> Tar, OSD.

<Archer2> Hm. 10:30. Where's Michelle the Naumann?

<Archer2> We have to give her a bit. It's her birthday today.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Crave> damn it -W- This user is not allowed to be chanop

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

Mc-Italy has joined #mariah

<OneSwtDay> Really?:)

<Mc-Italy> Hiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Archer2> Hi Italy!

<Agent-M> why is W messing around with us?


Archer2 pours Italy a drink, and directs him to the giant B'day cake.

Phenome has joined #Mariah

Vanishing takes her share of the cake

DelandMCS picks up his piece of cake.

OneSwtDay doesn't take a piece til everyone else has theirs.:)

Agent-M takes his

<DelandMCS> you're sure you wanna wait?

<MCDUDE> OSD... you are too sweet:)

Vanishing thinks that is so sweet of OSD

Crave takes his peice and lori's too ;P

<OneSwtDay> :)

<Lori> hey :p

OneSwtDay nods to Deland:) "Sure."

Archer2 decalres the cake was cut at 18:30 MCT.

<DelandMCS> alright, britt...

<OneSwtDay> Hehe:)

<Archer2> Track 08, Close My Eyes.

<Crave> Yo.. see yas later, k :)

Archer2 is right this time

<Archer2> Bye Crave. Glad you could be here.

Mc-Italy has left IRC : timeout for Mc-Italy[ip031.pool-01.flashnet.it]

<Vanishing> I love that song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crave hums to Close My Eyes as he leaves

<Crave> bye

<Vanishing> bye crave

<Archer2> Maybe I grew up a little too soon...

Crave has left #Mariah

<Agent-M> bye Crave

<Archer2> La da da...

<Archer2> Yeah, Vanishing. I think we are similar in the songs we like.

Archer2 is easily pleased

<Vanishing> Ladadada.......

<MCDUDE> This is too cool. Okay... I'M NEXT! my piece:) can i have one of the M's


<Vanishing> Good taste!!

<Archer2> Sure MCD.

OneSwtDay gives MCDUDE a piece of the 'M' on 'Mariah'

<MCDUDE> thanks. only one cake?:)

<Vanishing> archer:do u love Make It Happen?/

<Archer2> Yeah, I do. Some don't, but I do.

<Archer2> The only song I don't like much is Jesus, Oh What A Wonderful Child...

OneSwtDay shrugs, "Dunno...You want more than one cake?":)

<Vanishing> I do too!

<MCDUDE> I'm hungry for real!!:)

OneSwtDay laughs:)

Archer2 reinforces the idea that the cake is HUGE! Like Doctor Who's TARDIS.

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Vanishing> i like evrything actually

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Vanishing> its good, a touch of gospel

<Archer2> Track 09, Whenever You Call. Now it's on for real... :-)

<DelandMCS> you ************, *******, **** ***-**** channel bot!!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<Agent-M> I don't really like the remixes with no words...like "Fantasy"- def dru

ms mix

<Archer2> You know Deland, I haven't been able to see Music Box for hours. Guess

my mind has blocked it out.

<Agent-M> finally :-)

<AgentR> ya, i luf this song

Archer2 has never heard Def Drums, but he likes instrumentals normally

<Archer2> But it's better WITH Mariah, of course.

<Vanishing> how do send a priv. msg to someone??

<Archer2> Use /msg <nick> :Msg

<Archer2> Where Msg is the message.

<MCDUDE> * hungrily devours a muffin and pretends it's cake:) ahhh... that was go


<DelandMCS> thanks, brittany.

<Agent-M> click on their name in the right box (with mIRC)

<OneSwtDay> :>


<MARIAHer> gtg

<Archer2> OK, MariahHer.

<MARIAHer> byw

<Archer2> See ya.

<OneSwtDay> H A P P Y M A R I A H C A R E Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Vanishing> bye

<OneSwtDay> oops:)

<Vanishing> thanks


OneSwtDay inserts a birthday in there:)

<Agent-M> bye

Archer2 thinks OSD is getting carried away

<Archer2> Which is understandable...

Archer2 is carried away too

OneSwtDay laughs:)

<MCDUDE> you can never get too carried away...

OneSwtDay thinks this is the BEST Mariah party ever:)

<OneSwtDay> MakeMyWishComeTrue..AllIWantForChristmasIsYou..D.

<Archer2> I have to agree OneSwtDay, and I've seen a few.

OneSwtDay tries that again.

<DelandMCS> a huge party over two channels...

<DelandMCS> how much better can this get??

<OneSwtDay> MakeMyWishComeTrue...AllIWa10ntForChristmasIsYou...