Welcome to the Internet Relay Network Archer2

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- Vancouver.BC.CA.Undernet.Org Message of the Day -

- 10/2/1998 14:35

- ========= ( Vancouver.BC.CA.Undernet.Org [] ) =========


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End of /MOTD command.

#Mariah MusicBox 891032711

#Mariah :End of /NAMES list.

Agent-M has left IRC :

<Archer2> Please don't send control characters anymore. :-(

<Archer2> Killed my client.

<OneSwtDay> Eep:P Sowwy:(

<Archer2> Track 10, Butterfly Reprise.

OneSwtDay scolds her scripts.

<Archer2> It's not so robust. Does a lot of things, but sometimes it gets 'carrie

d away'. :-)

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

<MusicBox> mode #Mariah +o MusicBox Please :)!

#Mariah ~Archer2 dialin90.hbt.utas.tassie.net.au Vancouver.BC.CA.Undernet.Org Arc

her2 H :0 Kade Hansson

#Mariah crave shell.highpowered.net Baltimore.MD.US.Undernet.Org Phenome H :4 Cra

ve's Bot

#Mariah niklas happy.hh.se lulea-r.se.eu.undernet.org Niklas_E H :3 Ask

#Mariah DelandSIV ds370614.uncg.edu Vancouver.BC.CA.Undernet.Org DelandMCS H@ :0

Roland Deland Smallwood, IV

#Mariah OneSwtDay host-209-138-0-167.mco.BELLSOUTH.net Chicago.IL.US.Undernet.org

OneSwtDay H :2 Brittany (OneSwtDay) Conley:)

#Mariah neon trekworld.com Baltimore.MD.US.Undernet.Org MusicBox H :4 /msg MusicB

ox hello - #Mariah Channel Bot

#Mariah cutie ppp170.wport.com RockHill.SC.US.Undernet.Org Lori H@ :3 «æLoVe-ScRi


#Mariah bandit1 jsp25.sat.net dallas.tx.us.undernet.org Chilz H :3 Chilz

#Mariah porsche ip91.sikatuna.manila-online.net Chicago.IL.US.Undernet.org Vanish

ing H :2 Trixia

#Mariah wogger dd53-125.dub.compuserve.com RockHill.SC.US.Undernet.Org MCAlb H@ :

3 Paul Dillon

#Mariah ~actyoung slsyd83p16.ozemail.com.au SanDiego.CA.US.Undernet.org AgentR H@

:3 rhonda

#Mariah mariahcare 167-19-211.ipt.aol.com washington-1.dc.us.undernet.org MCDUDE


#Mariah cservice undernet.org channels2.undernet.org W H@d :3 For help type: /msg

W help

#Mariah :End of /WHO list.

OneSwtDay growls at W.

Vanishing thinks Osd has wonderfull scripts " I want some"

<OneSwtDay> Hehe:)

<OneSwtDay> Okay:)

Archer2 has no scripts. He's all ad lib.

<Archer2> Like my concert perfomance in 1995.

Archer2 loves to do Mariah... :-)

<OneSwtDay> Hehe:)

<Archer2> Track 11, The Beautiful Ones

<Archer2> Better than the purple one, IMHO.

<MCDUDE> you guys are beautiful:) thanks for making it homey here!

Pulsater has joined #Mariah

<Archer2> Hey Puls.


Vanishing has no scripts too......"i am a pc illiterate"

<Niklas_E> hi

<Pulsater> hey archer

Pulsater ~gmwilson 1Cust124.max3.chicago.il.ms.uu.net * :Greg M. Wilson

Pulsater :#Mariah

Pulsater Chicago.IL.US.Undernet.org :[] WorldWide Access IRC server

Pulsater :End of /WHOIS list.

OneSwtDay didn't write them...her friend did;)

Archer2 pours Puls a drink and welcomes him to the party.

<Vanishing> Tell ur fried she is gifted!

<Archer2> Would you like some of our HUGE cake?

Archer2 points to a mountain of baked confection in the corner

Pulsater has left #Mariah

<Archer2> I guess not.

<MCDUDE> okay:) *oink oink

<OneSwtDay> My friend is a he;)

Archer2 shrugs, and fixes himself another piece.

OneSwtDay hasn't gotten a piece yet;p

<Archer2> What OSD? Better get one then.

Archer2 gets OSD a piece while he's at it.

<Archer2> YOUUUUU!

<Archer2> I got you, yeah!

Vanishing feels sorry "My mistake"

AIEW has joined #Mariah

<Archer2> Hey, gender is overrated anyway, Vanish. :-)

Archer2 chuckles

<MCDUDE> I'm on fourths already so that other birthday girl better get here soon:


<Lori> crave stole my piece of cake:P

<OneSwtDay> Thanks:)

<Archer2> Yeah, where is Michelle.

<Archer2> She sleeps more than Mariah!

<Archer2> And that is saying something...

<Vanishing> Michelle who>

<Archer2> Michelle Naumann. It's her birthday today.

<Lori> its helenas bday today too

<Archer2> She's from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

OneSwtDay looks at her piece. She sees its one of Mariah's eyes. OSD looks down a

t the cake, and closes one of her eyes, with the other trying to look like Mariah

's eye.

<Archer2> In a room full of 20 people, it is almost certain that 2 people will sh

are a birthday.

Archer2 loves trivia

<Archer2> LOL

<Vanishing> I have to greet her

OneSwtDay moves the cake closer to her eye, just staring at it.

<Archer2> She said 10 or 11. It's 10 in Qld now.

LoveDream has joined #mariah

<Vanishing> She's one of the the niciest ppl on vision

LoveDream knaumann * :Michelle

LoveDream :#Mariah

LoveDream NewBrunswick.NJ.US.Undernet.Org :[] AT&T WorldNet IRC Cha

t Service

LoveDream :End of /WHOIS list.

<Archer2> Right on time, Mich.

OneSwtDay nods.


<LoveDream> yup, sure am

<LoveDream> thanks kade

<OneSwtDay> H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y M I C H E L L E!!!!!

<Archer2> You could set a clock by this girl.

<LoveDream> I said 10 or 11 and I'm right on 10

<Vanishing> Happy Birthday Michelle!!!!!!!!!

<LoveDream> thank you everyone

Archer2 directs Michelle to the huge birthday cake in te corner

<LoveDream> what time did everyone leave Derek

<LoveDream> chat last night

<Archer2> I left at 11:30 the last time. Java on an old PowerMac is a BAD idea. :


LoveDream thanks Archer2 for the wonderful cake and offers everyone a piece

Lori has left #mariah

<LoveDream> that wouldn't have been long after I left, I left about 10:10

OneSwtDay smiles atta Michelle, "We already had a piece.:)"

Vanishing rubs her stomach

Archer2 is happy. He's on a cooking IRC-equipped RiscPC now.

<Archer2> Macs are cute. But they have no brawn.

Archer2 has his machine flex it's muscles.

OneSwtDay decides to call the DJ n' request Mariah in honor of her bday, and Mich


Archer2 starts a chorus of Happy Birthday To You, for Michelle this time

<Archer2> End Of Butterfly (for non-Australian/Europeans)

<Archer2> Happy Birthday To You! Happy Birthday To You!

<Archer2> Happy Birthday Dear Michelle! Happy Birthday To You!

<Archer2> Hip Hip...

Archer2 cheers

<Archer2> Hip hip...

Archer2 cheers

<Archer2> Hip hip...

LoveDream will be right back after she goes and fetch some cds to play

Archer2 cheers

scorp61 has joined #Mariah

Vanishing sings Happy B-day to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......

OneSwtDay cheers too!:)

Moonfleet has joined #Mariah

<Archer2> She's a jolly good fella. Which nobody can deny.

<Moonfleet> Hi all!!!

<Archer2> Hi Moon.

<Archer2> Welcome back scorp.

<Moonfleet> ***HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARIAH!!!!!***

Archer2 points to the cake, of which there is still quite a quantity left.

<scorp61> she ain't built like no fella.

<scorp61> what's up?

<Archer2> Leave some for Ken. He'll be back in a few.

<Archer2> Playing Butterfly, Track 13.

<OneSwtDay> WOOO! JBOTD is on:) (Her fav Christmas Song cuz its also 'bout her;))

<Archer2> So So Def Mix of Honey.

<LoveDream> has everyone heard that country song that mariah sang in Brisbane and


Archer2 hasn't.

Archer2 isn't sure he wants to, as he doesn't like country much

<Vanishing> nope not me

Moonfleet runs frantically to the cake...

<LoveDream> Richard's got it at his site, but I don't know if it works. He email

ed it to me though

<Archer2> Track 14, Def Club of Honey.

OneSwtDay likes any song Mariah sings...;)

<Vanishing> could you send it to me too?

<LoveDream> it is funny, trust me you will love it. I just loved it when I heard

it and told Richard all about it so he held this sign up asking mariah to sing i

t for us and she did

<Archer2> What's Richard's URL, Mich?

Niklas_E has left #mariah

<Archer2> Hey Nik. Like a yo-yo, man.

<LoveDream> do you want it send via email or dcc

<Vanishing> email, please......

<Moonfleet> Have you played any other albums yet?

<scorp61> Did we decide where MC is? England or Spain?

<Archer2> DCC won't work on my client, Mich.

<Archer2> Can do e-mail.

<LoveDream> I'll just get it for you

<Archer2> Aw, scorp, isn't "EC" good enough. Or do ya wanna know what street she'

s on. :-)

Archer2 is loathing to check e-mail. He just posted the FAQ, and he gets dozens o

f AOL/USA fools quoting the entire thing back.

<Archer2> Doh!

<AgentR> i'm on 14

<LoveDream> http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Rue/7460/ <- Richard's URL

Archer2 screams like Mariah's whistle register. :-)

<scorp61> No, just what country.

OneSwtDay heads to Richard's site.

<Vanishing> thanks Mich!

<Vanishing> i'll check it out

LoveDream is listening to the breakdown remixes

Archer2 flexes his machines browsing muscle

<Archer2> Are they actually different though, Mich? :-)

<LoveDream> that's ok, I hope it works now. Rich was having problems with it

<LoveDream> what different?

<AgentR> music box ans mariah carey

<Vanishing> Oh! I was so shocked to hear one remix of breakdown yesterday

<AgentR> and

<Vanishing> more rap i guess

<Moonfleet> I finally saw the video clip of "My All"! It's FANTASTIC!!!

<Archer2> Yeah, I know. I was teasing. They do sound *very* alike though, you mst


Archer2 prefers the Honey mixes.

<scorp61> Yes, she is stunning in the vid.

<LoveDream> she's #40 this week on the ARIA charts it seems mariah keeps moving f

rom #38 to anywhere to #43, she just can't get any better for some reason

Archer2 is listening to Def Club right now in fact.

Vanishing agrees

LoveDream likes the anytime you need a friend remixes

<Archer2> Blame Aqua. They deserve to be blamed for a lot of things. :-)

<Vanishing> We hardly get remixes here in Manila

OneSwtDay laughs.:)

<Archer2> Downloading now Mich.

<Moonfleet> Yuck! They have another single out!


Archer2 just skipped onto Ace Of Base, The Bridge.

AIEW has left IRC : error to AIEW[170-4-28.ipt.aol.com]: Connection reset by


<LoveDream> that's good. Be warned you can hear me and Rich in it we are yelling

out "the one you sang in brisbane"

<Archer2> Anyone for Emotions?

<Archer2> The album, that is?

<Moonfleet> Yes! Let's hear Emotions!

<scorp61> Aqua is nothing here. Mariah has had 4 straight #1's.

<Archer2> OK. I'll just load it in, ready to sync on my mark.

OneSwtDay strangles her browser.

Vanishing wonders about Mariah singles "Why aren't they releases in Manila?

<Archer2> (Channel is about to sync play Emotions the album.)

Nozfly has joined #mariah

<MCDUDE> ready!!

<Nozfly> I'm not ready!

<LoveDream> hi Noel

<OneSwtDay> Heya Noel!!!!!:)

<Archer2> About to sync. In 2 mins from now. Emotions, the album.

<Nozfly> ok I'm ready now

<Nozfly> Hi all

<Vanishing> hi Noel!

<Archer2> 1:30 from now.

<scorp61> hi one

<Moonfleet> Hi Noel!

<Archer2> 1:15

<Archer2> 1:00

<Archer2> 0:45

<Vanishing> waiting.........

<Archer2> 0:30

<Moonfleet> I'm getting nervous... :-I

<Archer2> 0:15

<Archer2> 10

<Archer2> 5

<Archer2> 0

<Archer2> Cue EMOTIONS

<Archer2> Track 01, Emotions

Vanishing is feeling EMOTIONS!!

<Archer2> Higher than the heavens...

<LoveDream> stop I haven't got mine yet

<Moonfleet> Whee!!!

<Archer2> Slacker Michelle.

<Archer2> Wait for track 2.

<Archer2> I'll count you in.

<Vanishing> Its her b-day! :o)

OzHoney has joined #mariah

<scorp61> Go girl !!

<LoveDream> hi Nick

<Archer2> Hey Oz.

<OzHoney> hey Mich...is it

OzHoney nicholash * :Nicholas Holland

OzHoney :#Mariah

OzHoney Chicago.IL.US.Undernet.org :[] WorldWide Access IRC server

OzHoney :End of /WHOIS list.

<Archer2> 2 mins michelle

<LoveDream> sure is

<OzHoney> so wassup all...what going on here

<scorp61> ohohohohohohoh


<LoveDream> were listening to emotions

<Archer2> Playing Emotions, Oz.

<LoveDream> tell me when to change to the next song

<MCAlb> ok ppl, i'm gone, cya later

<Archer2> About to go track 2, in 1:30

<Moonfleet> *ugh* I * can't... * t..alk...*

<Archer2> High note....

<Archer2> Oh baby.

<Archer2> 1:00 to go

<Archer2> 0:45

<LoveDream> just had the high note

<Nozfly> We should do this more often

<Archer2> 0:30 to track 2 of Emotions

<LoveDream> I think I'm about 1 min behind you

<LoveDream> yes we should

<Archer2> 0:15 to go

<Archer2> 0:10

<LoveDream> did your turkey song download?

<Archer2> 0:00


<Archer2> Working on it, Mich.

<Nozfly> hehe

<Archer2> 33% done.

<LoveDream> it is a little bit of 1MB

<Nozfly> I wanna hear that song

<Archer2> Through a 14K4, we're doing quite well.

<LoveDream> http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Rue/7460/ <- to download turkey song

<scorp61> bitterly I face the end

turkey.wav :Unknown command

<Archer2> ./turkey.wav to be precise

<MCDUDE> We remember your birthday MARIAH!! WE LOVE YA!

<LoveDream> I'll be back soon, I'm just going to read some mail

<Archer2> Ok, Mich.

<LoveDream> yeah, it's pretty easy to find once you get there

<Archer2> BTW, playing Track 2, AYDR

<Archer2> Unless your blind.. Hm do they have Braille browsers?

<Nozfly> I'll get it now

<Vanishing> i'm downloading it right now

<OzHoney> so who do we have in here?

<Archer2> Most of the world, give or take a coupel a billion. :-)

<Nozfly> I have to download the Classie My All, and Roof quicktime from Sony too

<scorp61> hey groupies all

YN has joined #mariah

<Archer2> I think my d/load has stalled. Damn.

<scorp61> awesome

<Archer2> Hi YN.

<Archer2> There's still cake for those who want some.

Archer2 pours a round of drinks to wash it down

<YN> Hi

<Vanishing> how i tried to but it was just for preview or prehear :o)

<Nozfly> I think I missed the cake

Archer2 hands Noz a slice of Cake.

<Archer2> Track 03, Can't Let Go.

<Archer2> Oooh....

LoveDream offers everyone some wine, beer or champagne whichever you would like

<Archer2> Oooh baby...

<LoveDream> how mnay seconds are you into it? I'm at 1 min

<Archer2> Hm, Mich. The download stalled.

<Nozfly> I'm on a Moet only diet today!

<LoveDream> want me to email it to you?

<Archer2> 33%, worth a restart, I guess.

Vanishing hands $$1 a Coke COKE .

<Archer2> Yeah, mail it. That would be grand.

<Archer2> kade_fh@postoffice.utas.utas.edu (But you know that)

<LoveDream> does it say that file it currupt?

<Archer2> Whoops... stutter.

<Archer2> Just one of them utas.

<LoveDream> I'll just finish reading my mail and then I iwll send it to you

<Archer2> No, it hasn't given me somewhere to save it yet. Just stopped at 33%.

<Nozfly> I think the Can't Let Go performance on SNL is one of Mariah's best ever

perfomances (thanks Mich!)

<Archer2> OK, Mich. Thanks muchly.

<Archer2> Tell me when, and I'll download all my mail... (Sh** I hate that... MBs

, for sure)

<Vanishing> 47%of turkey wav completed

<Archer2> Has yours stalled too Vanishing?

<Nozfly> I got 40 Vision messages in the couple of hours I was away!

<Archer2> Prolly because we are al downloading the file in sync.

<Archer2> Track 04, Make It Happen.

<Archer2> Cool track, huh Vanishing? :-)

YN has left IRC :

<Vanishing> still downloading

<scorp61> not more than 3 short years ago

<scorp61> oops

<Vanishing> Yeah!!!!!!!

<Archer2> Hm. Mine just stopped and claimed "completed" when I know very well it


<Archer2> Bad Fresco... Down boy.

<scorp61> my bad

<Vanishing> One of my personal faves!!!!!!

Archer2 's browser is called Fresco

<Nozfly> I got 47% too

<scorp61> itchy trigger finger

Lori has joined #mariah

<MusicBox> [Lori] What part of no dont you understand! I WANT A MAN NOT A BOY WHO


YN has joined #mariah

<Archer2> Welcome Back Lori.

<Lori> woah this is the most ppl ive seen in here in a long time :p

<Vanishing> thats not Mariah's

<Archer2> We're parying, Lori. What'd you expect?

<Moonfleet> I love the MSG version of Make It Happen!

<Archer2> I just hope my power doesn't go off like it did during the rehersal....

<Lori> hi archer:)

<Nozfly> I was just think that too

<Nozfly> I just expected her to say "I see you up there"!

<DelandMCS> go to #MariahFanWorld. Trust me.

Lori has left #mariah

<Archer2> Me too, Noz!

<Vanishing> the download is no progressing

Lori has joined #mariah

<Lori> wrong button :P

<MusicBox> [Lori] What part of no dont you understand! I WANT A MAN NOT A BOY WHO


Archer2 has obviously played his three copies of the MSG video too much.

<scorp61> parying chief?? speak for yourself.

<Vanishing> i mean not progressing

<Archer2> I meant partying of course. But that's obvious... :-)

mc4ever has joined #mariah

<scorp61> gotcha !

<Nozfly> I'm stuck on 47%

<Archer2> Track 05, If It's Over.

<mc4ever> hello everyone!

<mc4ever> how u all doing?

<scorp61> hello

<Vanishing> hi mc4ever!

<scorp61> we are parying

<Archer2> "...wrote with one of my idols, Carole King... "

<Archer2> Indeed, scorp. LOL.

<Archer2> MC4Evere was here at the START of the party, which is no mean feat.

<Nozfly> What time is it in Melbourne now?

Archer2 shakes MC4 to congratulate him

<mc4ever> wow i've never seen so many people awsome!!

<Archer2> 11:36am

<Archer2> In Melbourne, Hobart and Sydney.

<Archer2> Canberra is the same, but who cares.

<LoveDream> I'm sending the turkey song now kade

<Vanishing> wow!

<Nozfly> thanks

<Archer2> OK Mich.

<Vanishing> wait

<scorp61> it's a very special birthday

<Vanishing> can u send it to me too?

<scorp61> I know, just teasing you chief.

<Vanishing> the download is not progressing

<OzHoney> BTW happy birthday MICH!!

<LoveDream> email address vanishing

<LoveDream> thanks Nick

<Vanishing> still on 47%

Ramona1 has joined #Mariah

<Nozfly> me 2

<LoveDream> you'll just have to wait till i send archer his

mysty_ has joined #Mariah

<Ramona1> Happy birthday, Mariah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Nozfly> Yeah Happy bday!

<Archer2> So has it been sent, Michelle. Do you reckon corinna has it in its hot

little diodes yet?

<Ramona1> im 26 !!!, so ive got a little time till that age !

<Archer2> (corinna is Archer's trusty SMTP daemon)

<LoveDream> then you go back to normal time tomorrow morning at 2am

<scorp61> not much time Ramona

<Vanishing> no prob with waiting

<Archer2> Yeah. Lose a damned hour. Bugger. :-)

Agent-M has joined #mariah

<Archer2> Welcome Back Agent-M.

<LoveDream> yup, I'll let you know when I need your email adresses to anyone who

wants it

Casper` has joined #mariah

Ramona1 has left #Mariah

Archer2 makes the channel count 21, not including bots and admin.

<LoveDream> it is still being sent

<Casper`> hewwwwwo

<Archer2> Well, until the friendly ghost left.

<Archer2> Oh, he's back... Hi Cassy.

<Vanishing> did u get my email addy , Lovedream?

<Archer2> Track 06, So Cold!

<Archer2> Funk that Moog!

<Archer2> Yeah!

MCDUDE has left IRC :

<Agent-M> thanks :-) , had to get a pizza for this special day!

Ramona1 has joined #Mariah

<LoveDream> nope, I will need it vanishing

Ramona1 has left #Mariah

<Archer2> Yeah, a REAL pizza would go down well right now.

<Archer2> All you can eat is on at Pizza Hut... Mmmmm....

Archer2 is getting hungry in RL

<Archer2> These imaginary pizzas just don't cut it.

<Vanishing> ok i'll type it here

<Vanishing> trixia@manila-online.net

<Moonfleet> I love this song! It's so... crazy!

<Archer2> OK, Mich. I'm checking mail.

<LoveDream> thanks, I'll send it soon. Archers is up to 50%

<Vanishing> sorry, i had to do that

Lori has left #mariah

<Archer2> Hopefully your thing'll be there.

<Archer2> Oh, it's not doen yet?

<Archer2> Still sending?

<Vanishing> Thank u too!

YN has left IRC :

<LoveDream> Anyone else want the turkey song while I'm asking

<mc4ever> yes pls lovedream

mysty_ has left #Mariah

<LoveDream> I didn't think the pizza shops opened to lunch time

<Archer2> You could have sent it once with a CC, Michelle.

<Nozfly> Me Me Me!

<LoveDream> email address for anyone who wants the turkey song

Agent-M got dominos...large supreme!

<mc4ever> paul@mariahc.com

Anselm has joined #Mariah

<mc4ever> thanx lovedream

<Agent-M> mariahsno1fan@worldnet.att.net

<Archer2> 131888, Dominoes... I got the hots for what's in the box with the dots.


<Nozfly> noel@baxendale.u-net.com

<Anselm> Today is Mariah's 28th?!?

MCDUDE has joined #mariah

<Archer2> Ah, all your addresses are sweet music to his ears.

<LoveDream> that's ok. They will all be off once I get archer's finished

Archer2 prides himself on meorizing peoples e-mail addresses, but forgetting thei

r real names. :-)

<Nozfly> really?

<LoveDream> it hasn't gone yet, still sending it

<LoveDream> about 25% to go

<[FlyAway]> Don't tell me you're too chicked to show up in #MariahFanWorld??

<Nozfly> LOL!

<Archer2> Yes Anselm.

<Archer2> We think so.

<Moonfleet> Hi Anselm and MCdude!

Archer2 is the FAQ maintainer, so he should know.

<Anselm> howdie

<LoveDream> yeah, I didn't realise that the others didn't work when I was sending


<Archer2> Currently playing, Track 07, So Blessed.

<MCDUDE> Hello!!

<Anselm> Does anyone know who Mariah is dating now?

<Archer2> DUDE in da house.

<LoveDream> I thought it was derek

<LoveDream> I've got yours noel

<Moonfleet> "You're like a devil in disguiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIse!!!"

<mc4ever> me i wish :o)

<Anselm> it is me.

<Anselm> I have to be honest

Anselm john ppp-27.canton.northnet.org * :Frank

Anselm :#Mariah

Anselm ann-arbor.mi.us.undernet.org :[] "The Quality Server - www.qua


Anselm :End of /WHOIS list.

<Anselm> yep

<Anselm> hehehe

<Anselm> Did she ever date Puffy Combs?

<Moonfleet> "Lying beside you..." are we listening to Open Arms?

<Anselm> or was that just a nasty rumor

<scorp61> combs is only a friend

<LoveDream> check mail archer

<Anselm> what a relief

<Archer2> I concur, Michelle.

<Nozfly> What about Mase?

<Archer2> Hang on, MariahFanWorld are calling me...

<scorp61> Hey Dude...hey marc

<Anselm> Archer2, did you see Mariah on the Rosie show?

<Archer2> Impatient people.


<scorp61> Dude


<Archer2> No, Anselm. We don't get Rosie in Australia. I have been trying to get

a vid.

<Anselm> it was on during Thanksgiving

<MCDUDE> coming to a webpage near you...

<Vanishing> i have a Q

Archer2 has been cloned

<Archer2> Yeah, Vanish?

scorp61 has left #Mariah

<Vanishing> my wavs turned into a windat form

scorp61 has joined #Mariah

<Vanishing> how do i convert it again into wav

<Anselm> you there?

Nozfly sings I just wanna be around you...

<scorp61> no, not mase. Mase is 19 yrs. old.

<LoveDream> my fav song is on now :)

OneSwtDay unidles:)

Vanishing is listening to Slipping Away

<LoveDream> I've got it on video

<Anselm> what part of Aust. are you in? SOuth, West?

<Anselm> Do they have electricity in Australia

<Anselm> ??

<Archer2> Yes, I'm here. But I have dozens of windows...

<Anselm> Has anyone heard about Mariah dating Denis Rodman???????????

<scorp61> that was Madonna

<Vanishing> Dennis Rodman??????//

<Anselm> i've heard Rodman

<Archer2> Nah. That's the biggest load of bull!!!!

<scorp61> that was Madonna

<Anselm> Mariah.

<scorp61> that was Madonna

<Anselm> ok. i understand

<Anselm> take a deep breath.

<Anselm> think happy thoughts.

<Anselm> :)

Vanishing is relieved......"hoo!yeah, that was Madonna."

<Agent-M> probally a rumor, if anything

<Nozfly> Mariah NEVER dated Madonna:)

<Anselm> good

<Archer2> Windat? What dat?

<scorp61> Madonna, it's documented in a movie and a book

<Vanishing> haha!

<OneSwtDay> Madonna did.

<Anselm> why did she divorce her husband????

<Vanishing> I dont know, aarcher

<Archer2> He he he ... dated Madonna indeed. :-)

<Anselm> Tommy (was his name I think?

<scorp61> who Madonna or Mariah ?

Archer2 doesn't use PCs much

<Anselm> both

<Archer2> You could open a sample editor, and try to import asa WAV.

<scorp61> they drifted apart.

<Vanishing> my wavs used to have that speaker icon now its mic icon

<scorp61> 50 % of marriages end in divorce. It was not a shocker.

<Anselm> scorp, her carear

<Anselm> ?

Archer2 is downloading mail. Responses may be slowed.

<LoveDream> which cd are we going to be playing next?

<Vanishing> uhmmmm.......

<scorp61> what about her career?

<Nozfly> good question

<Archer2> Unplugged?

<Archer2> That's all that's left apart from Merry Christmas.

<Anselm> was that the reason for them drifting apart?

<Vanishing> Daydream!!

<LoveDream> I vote musicbox

<LoveDream> lets play merry christmas then

<Vanishing> it reminds me of the bo...

<Vanishing> bot i mean

<scorp61> They were never together, not to mention creative differences concernin

g Butterfly

<Anselm> I think Mariah sold out in her last release especially that video where

she danced around like a &%^*.

<Anselm> she didn't behave like a lady in BUtterfly (my opinion).

<Archer2> We played Music Box, the Daydream, then Butterfly, then Mariah Carey. N

ow Emotions.

<scorp61> get out of here. This is a Mariah party. go away with your negativity

<Anselm> sorry

<Vanishing> hah!

<Archer2> Anselm: there is such a thing as acting.

<Anselm> she does fart though

<Vanishing> sorry!

<Anselm> big juicy farts

<scorp61> your opinion...canceled by mine.

<LoveDream> so which is next? we've only got one song left on this one

<Vanishing> of course!

<Archer2> It's Unplugged or Merry Christmas.

<Vanishing> Anselm, ur teasing

<Anselm> hehehe

Anselm has left #Mariah

<Vanishing> Ask the b-day girl

Nozfly votes for Unplugged

<LoveDream> merry christmas

<Vanishing> ok

LoveDream votes for merry christmas

<Archer2> Er, well I suppose Birthday Girl has priority.

<Moonfleet> I say we do Unplugged

<Vanishing> wait

<Vanishing> i'll get my cd

<Nozfly> ok, I stand by Mich

<LoveDream> why doesn't everyone vote and take whichever has the most

<Archer2> Any gross rejections of Merry Christmas? I think we'll play that.

<scorp61> I smell them,,,how's that??

<scorp61> I love them

<Nozfly> There could be a fight when we get to God Rest ye... :)

<scorp61> I live for them

<Archer2> Message 50 in my queue seems to be yours michelle, cause it's HUGE.

<Vanishing> who doesn't have God Rest.....?

OneSwtDay doesnt.

<LoveDream> it takes about 10 minutes to download

<LoveDream> or longer

<Archer2> We're doing Merry Christmas, thn Unplugged. OK?

<Archer2> Anyone upset by that?

<Moonfleet> ok

<Vanishing> ok

<Archer2> Track 12, The Wind.

<LoveDream> ok, I had better go and get unplogged then

<Vanishing> Brit, maybe we could trade sometime

<Moonfleet> Oh, the Wind, one of my favorites...

<Nozfly> Am I the only one who has trouble understanding the lyrics to The Wind?

<scorp61> by what?

<Vanishing> we get that track here but not this time of the year

<Archer2> Yes, Noz. Perfectly clear to me. :-)

<scorp61> the order? MChristmas??

<Vanishing> Wind is great!

<Nozfly> Maybe i'm not loud enough

<LoveDream> you know the merry christmas cd has good memories for me :)

Archer2 rarely plays Merry Christmas when it ain't the season to be jolly... But

this day is pecial- "Mariahmas"

<Nozfly> it does?

Casper` has left IRC :

<LoveDream> I think it is because Mariah signed my merry christmas cd+ :)

<Vanishing> Mariah sounds so warm in this cd

HarlmWrld has joined #Mariah

<Vanishing> Lucky u!

<Archer2> Oh yeah. I have that. Won't work on my computer though.

<LoveDream> mine didn't work on the old computer but this one it does

<Vanishing> Windat?

<HarlmWrld> holy balls, this place is packed like a muzzer wuzzer

<Archer2> Hey Harlem!

<Vanishing> many ppl are so shocked by this

<Archer2> This ain't no DRILL this week.!

<HarlmWrld> wuttup archer

<LoveDream> shocked by what

<Archer2> This is THA Real Thing.

<Archer2> OK, everyone. Load Merry Christmas.

<Vanishing> that this place is packed

<scorp61> this is the real deal # 28 !

<LoveDream> cd change

<Vanishing> loading

<LoveDream> it starting

<LoveDream> are we counting down like last time

<Archer2> Yes, counting down from 2 mins.

<Archer2> NOW.

<Vanishing> lets just count 10-->1

<Vanishing> ok

<Archer2> We have to give people a chance to get it.

<Archer2> I know some people are quick.

<Archer2> But be patient

<Archer2> 1:30

<Vanishing> no prob

<LoveDream> the turkey.wav has been sent to those that wanted it

Archer2 has been syncing since Vanishing was in diapers... :-)

<Archer2> 1:00

<Nozfly> I wanted to play my Merry Christmas minidisc, but there isn't time to bu

y a player!

<Vanishing> Thanks a lot Mich!

<Archer2> Sorry Noz. Delay for a few days then? :-)

<Archer2> 0:30

Vanishing is confused

<Archer2> 0:15

<Archer2> 0:10

<Archer2> 0:05

<Nozfly> ready

<Archer2> 0

<Archer2> NOW

<Archer2> Cue Oh Holy Night

<Nozfly> eh?

<Vanishing> wow! how heavenly!!!!

OzHoney has left IRC :

<Nozfly> Silent Night is track 1!

<Archer2> Sorry...

<Archer2> As i said, I don't listen to Merry Christmas much.

<Archer2> Track 01, Silent Night.

<Nozfly> isn't it?

<LoveDream> did you get the wav archer?

<Archer2> Slowly working on it, Mich.

Vanishing hates Archer for that! ;o)

<Nozfly> I haven't got it yet

<Moonfleet> Merry Christmas, everyone... o<:-)

<Archer2> At 1182K now (including vision mail)

<Vanishing> Silent Night...........

<Vanishing> Holy//////

<LoveDream> must almost be ther then. we only had about 55 overnight

<Vanishing> All

<Nozfly> Are you sure you sent the song Mich?

<LoveDream> my fav is coming up next :)

<Archer2> Track 02, AIWFCIY

<Nozfly> mine too

<LoveDream> yup

<Vanishing> ohhh.......heavenly peace...........

<Vanishing> Yeah!

Archer2 pulls out his minidress and rolls on his stockings. :-)

<LoveDream> it might take awhile to come through

<Agent-M> wow!, it's 2MB!, I'm downloading it now..

<Nozfly> that is a frightening image

<Vanishing> I just want u.....

<Archer2> YOU!!!YEAH!

HarlmWrld has left IRC :

LoveDream offers him a job at Wickham Terrace

<Archer2> Yeah, one which mc-jens had on his page at one point, Noz.

<Vanishing> Archer, r u F or M?

<scorp61> M

<Nozfly> Is the AIWFCIY instrumental exclusive to the CD plus?

<scorp61> Everyone knows Kade is a man's name.

<scorp61> Like that?

<Vanishing> I don't sorry

<Archer2> Not everyone. Ken didn't... which is why he... er... :-D

<Vanishing> I don't live in Oz

<LoveDream> don't know. I have to get another one now because Mariah signed my o

ther one and I'm not touching it

<Archer2> It's not an Oz name.

<Vanishing> I would do the same

<Nozfly> Does the OZ one have 11 tracks?

<LoveDream> Yup

<Archer2> Yes, but I'm playing the CDPlus now.

<Vanishing> Thanks for letting me know

<Vanishing> Cdplus??

<LoveDream> Mariah signed my US rolling stone as well :) She looked at it and sm

iled and then signed it :)

<Archer2> They call 'em CD Extras now. A CD with computer files on it.

<LoveDream> O Holy Night

<Nozfly> I might be about to destroy my ISPs mail server!

<Archer2> Track 03, Oh Holy Night

<Agent-M> I have a page about the CDPlus, with captures, if anyone cares to see i


<LoveDream> isn't yours coming yet?

<Nozfly> Notice since Sony stopped doing them, everyone else started doing them!

<Archer2> The CD Plus doesn't have Track 11.

grillo has joined #mariah

<Archer2> Still waiting for mine, Mich. 1814K.

<grillo> hhhhiiiii

<mc4ever> hiya

<Vanishing> gosh! we dont get cdplus or singles here just plain cd's

<LoveDream> it must almost be there

<Nozfly> Is it only US that had the CD plus?

<Vanishing> oic

<Archer2> They playing spin the bottle in MCFanworld.

<Archer2> No, I got it in Oz. But it was imported, I think.

<LoveDream> are you there?

<Nozfly> My turkey is downloading... just in time for xmas!

<Nozfly> I got one from Shawl in exchange for several Bfly singles

<LoveDream> I got mine imported from HMV

<Vanishing> envy is attacking me

OneSwtDay gosta go:<

OneSwtDay waves to alL!!!!

<LoveDream> bye

<Vanishing> bye

<Nozfly> Bye Britt, and thanks for the speech!

<Archer2> OK, OSD... Thanx for your speech etc. :-) You are the greatest (except

for Ken, of course).

<mc4ever> bye onesweetday chat soon eh?

<Vanishing> great speech

<OneSwtDay> Sure *HUGGIEZ*!!!:)

<OneSwtDay> Hehe:)

<OneSwtDay> Buh-bye everyone!!!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

OneSwtDay exits.

grillo has left #mariah

OneSwtDay has left #Mariah

<Archer2> Hey grillo.

<LoveDream> next track: Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)

<Archer2> Who's syncing this show, LoveDream?

<Archer2> Anyway, as the lady said...

<Vanishing> I will be here for a few mins more then I have to help mom cook

<LoveDream> well, it has already started and you didn't say it

<Archer2> Track 04, Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)

<LoveDream> what are you cooking?

<Nozfly> you are fast LD

<Archer2> You are ahead of me. Means our lag has decreased since the sync.

<Vanishing> Christmas..........!

<Vanishing> Chichen and pasta

<Nozfly> not turkey?

<Vanishing> It's my bro's b-day too

<LoveDream> up to 1min

AgentR has left IRC :

<LoveDream> chicken yum

<Vanishing> no turkey in the philippines

<LoveDream> Mariah really should have released this song

<Archer2> Play that sax.....

<Vanishing> he's born March 28 though

<LoveDream> I'm finished that part

<Vanishing> Sing!!

<Agent-M> yes there is, I chased one once :-)

<Nozfly> I feel hungry for Chrstmas cake

<LoveDream> that's my b/day

<Vanishing> Christmas.......

<Vanishing> Please!!

<Vanishing> fruit Cake!!

<Archer2> At least we're synced, Vanish. Dunno about Michelle. She's way out in f

ront... :-)

<Nozfly> Track 4

<Vanishing> Haha!!

<Archer2> Track 05

<Vanishing> I can imagine Mariah singing this song

<Nozfly> that's what I said :)

<LoveDream> snowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

<Vanishing> great!!

<LoveDream> Because I miss you, most at Christmas time

<Vanishing> I miss you........

<Archer2> I can imagine Mariah singing any song.

<Archer2> Even when I sing them, I imagine what Mariah's face was doing, and mimi

c it. :-)

<LoveDream> I should have had a sign up that asked mariah to sing a christmas son

g for us, well that will be next time she comes

<Nozfly> The video from this and AIWFICY is almost the same footage

<LoveDream> how's the files coming along everyone?

<Vanishing> Yeah, but i can watch that......(sniff..sniff)

<LoveDream> yeah I know

Honi has joined #mariah

<Archer2> 2557K, Michelle. Complete.

<Moonfleet> I have downloaded 97% of the turkey song! A few minutes to go...

<Nozfly> I got mine!

<LoveDream> bargin, now you can listen :)

<LoveDream> cool

<LoveDream> what do you think

<Vanishing> wheres mine??

<Nozfly> I dunno, will the cd stop?

<Archer2> Aw, but what about Merry Christmas?

<Agent-M> I'm at 83% of it

DelandMCS has left IRC :

<LoveDream> I emailed you yours

AgentR has joined #Mariah

<Vanishing> i'll check again later

<LoveDream> yeah, it might, but you can catch up ud

missmod has joined #mariah

<Archer2> Hey missmod.

<Archer2> Welcome to the ongoing party.

<Archer2> Playing Joy To The World, Track 06

<missmod> hi

<Vanishing> ok, i think this is it coz its taking long

<LoveDream> and heaven and nature sing

Hirm has joined #mariah

<Vanishing> And heaven........

<Vanishing> sing

<LoveDream> joy to the world the lord is carm

<Vanishing> Joy!

<Nozfly> That is Mariah singing?

<Hirm> when does the party begin?

<Vanishing> Let earth......

<Archer2> It began some 5 hours ago.

<Vanishing> it has begun

<LoveDream> and heaven and nature sing

<missmod> hi noel

sandra_ has joined #Mariah

<Nozfly> Hi Taryn

<Hirm> shiat big party heh

<Nozfly> and Sandra

Brenchi has joined #Mariah

<missmod> long time no see

sandra_ has left #Mariah

<Archer2> Hey Brenchi.

<Brenchi> hello AgentR,

<Nozfly> I know :(

<Vanishing> Bullock???

<Vanishing> jk

<Brenchi> Hey Archer.....AgentR did ya get up in time?

<AgentR> yup

<AgentR> 6am

<scorp61> oh thats the bollocks

<Nozfly> don't swear vanishing!

<Nozfly> :)

<Archer2> Bullock is a swear word? :-)

<Brenchi> haha congrats!!

<Nozfly> only if it is a typo

<Brenchi> hey all.

<Brenchi> Archer: bullock??

<Archer2> Vanishing said it just as you came in. I thought it was just the surnam

e of a certain Speed star.

<Archer2> Bollocks... now that's a swear word in some quarters.

<Brenchi> speed star? Brenchi is clueless...

<Vanishing> yeah thats what i meant

<LoveDream> not in Australia it isn't

<Nozfly> the hind quarters usually

<Agent-M> Michelle, did you record that Turkey song yourself?

<LoveDream> track 7

<Vanishing> i don't swear in chat rooms

<Vanishing> I love sandra bullock!

<LoveDream> nope, Richard did it, it just won't come off his page for some reason

so I emailed it to you guys

<Vanishing> Born on this day........

<LoveDream> you can hear me on it though

<Nozfly> Is that your voice at the start?

Mariah_ has joined #mariah

<Mariah_> HI everyone!!!

<LoveDream> my voice is the 2nd voice that goes "the one you did in brisbane" or

something like that

<Agent-M> thats pretty nifty!

<Vanishing> hi!

<Archer2> Hey Mariah. Happy Birthday. :-)

<LoveDream> glad you could come Mariah, happy birthday :)

<Vanishing> haha!!

<Nozfly> And that is Mariah singing?

<LoveDream> yes it is

<Mariah_> It's not my birthday, I am not the real Mariah, just a huge fan!!!

<LoveDream> what do you think of it?

<Archer2> We knew that, Mariah.

<Nozfly> It sounds so 'unlike' her!

<AgentR> lol

<Moonfleet> It's kind of hard to make out what is being said in the turkey...

<Mariah_> Good, just wanted to make sure!!

<Archer2> Everyone knows that Mariah's real nickname is Rigoletto... ;-)

<Brenchi> so you all have Mariah playing in the background?

<missmod> where can i hear this turkey song??

<Vanishing> ;o)

<Nozfly> Do you have the lyrics Mich?

<Archer2> Yeah, playing Jesus, Born On This Day.

<LoveDream> nope

<Mariah_> So people wouldn't call me a fake, because I have never said that I was

really Mariah!!

<Archer2> Track 07

<Vanishing> Rigoletto>

<Nozfly> I never realised how much I love this song!

<LoveDream> you know the guy at the start of the wav is richard

<Vanishing> He is life......

<LoveDream> which song?

<Brenchi> arg.....what song......

<Vanishing> He is love..............

<Brenchi> :(

<missmod> can i have the website to the turkey song?

<Nozfly> JBOTD

<LoveDream> you can't download it, it stalls at about 50%

<LoveDream> I love this song :)

<Archer2> Lullaby.....

<missmod> hmm, is there another place to hear it then?

<Archer2> Hm...

<LoveDream> you better watch out

<Brenchi> oh well see you

Brenchi has left #Mariah

<Mariah_> Don't you guys have the cd with that song???

<Archer2> Track 08, Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

<scorp61> Lulaby is real?

<Mariah_> Sorry, i have to go now, bye everyone!!!

<LoveDream> missmod: if you give me your email address I can email it to you

<Moonfleet> Mariah can really sing country!!!

<Archer2> The opening notes are a lullaby.

<Nozfly> The intro is like AIWFICIY

DDP has joined #Mariah

<LoveDream> yeah, she sure can

<missmod> ok, thanks

<Agent-M> Mariah can sing anything

<missmod> it's aimee@access1.net

<Mariah_> Bye!!!

Mariah_ has left #mariah

<Agent-M> that Turkey song confirms it!

<DDP> It's a party over here!

Honi has left IRC :

<Vanishing> Im starting to like country coz of Shania and maybe Mariah!

DDP has left #Mariah

<Archer2> Yeah, Shania is cool. But not nearly as cool as Mariah.

<Archer2> SING IT GIRL.

<Nozfly> Mariah singing 'Still The One' would be nice

<LoveDream> anymore for the country song?

<Archer2> Play that piano...

<Vanishing> Yeah ! I love that song!!

<Moonfleet> Btw, why is it called "the turkey song"?

<Vanishing> Looks like we made it......

<LoveDream> because of kuntuky

<Vanishing> why turkey song?

<Archer2> Track 09, In Excelsis Deo

<LoveDream> Tanya her stylist is from kuntucky and her father was the founder of

kuntuckty durby

<LoveDream> it is really country song though

<Archer2> OK, change of plan. After Merry Christmas, we take a short break and pl

ay The Turkey Song.

<Archer2> Then we play Unplugged. OK?

<LoveDream> yup sure

<Vanishing> but mine is still downloading

Hirm has left IRC :

<Archer2> You still have a few mins, Vanishing.

<LoveDream> we've still got 2 tracks left to play

<Archer2> And it'll take me a while to de-MIME it and play it.

<Nozfly> "You know when you are obsessed with Mariah when you get together with y

our friends and all listen to xmas carols in March" :)

<LoveDream> your right there noel

<AgentR> hehehe

<Archer2> Indeed, Noz. But it is Mariahmas, for people who believe in the Gospel

Acoording To Vision. :-)

<Moonfleet> :-)

<Vanishing> true!

<Nozfly> Anyone else would think we were mad

<Archer2> "In the beginning there wasthe word. And the word was Mariah. Mariah th

en proceeded to creat God to keep her company"- Archer 1:1

<LoveDream> we should have got mariah to sing christmas songs in Australia, well

I'm going to do it next time with my trip around Australia

<Vanishing> we are madly good

<Archer2> Track 10, Jesus Oh What A Wonderful Child

Archer2 doesn't like this song much

<Nozfly> You aren't going on the European tour then Mich?

<Vanishing> Archer, God might curse us with that.

<LoveDream> I love this song

<LoveDream> nope, can't afford it

<Vanishing> me too

<Vanishing> very much, gospel

<LoveDream> but next Australian tour I'm going all around Australia. ANyone else

coming? Kade?

<Archer2> Ah, blasphemy is overrated. Besides, I'm an atheist. May God strike me

down. :-)

mryefan has joined #mariah

<Nozfly> I'll join you

<Archer2> Yes, Michelle. I'm hedging my bets this time.

<Archer2> Just a small matter of MONEY.

<mryefan> hi

<Archer2> Hey Mayryefan.

<LoveDream> I've already saved up enough for 2 concerts at gold seats if they are

the same price

<Archer2> Welcome to our small party.

<mryefan> :)

<LoveDream> my aim is for $5,000 because we are staying at the same hotel as mari

ah :)

<Archer2> Ah, I can afford tickets. It's the airfares between the capitals.

<Archer2> You'll need more than that to stay in Hyatts.

<Nozfly> it speeds up now

<mryefan> it's Mariah's bday and I get a sore throat. maybe there's some connect

ion :)

<LoveDream> that's why I'm saving for $5,000 because to get to perth was be the m

ost expensive if she goes back there

<Archer2> It's like $10000 a night. :-) Well, in the higher floors.

<LoveDream> it is $75 a night with 4 people per room

<LoveDream> it is about $300 a night for a room

<scorp61> ...

<Nozfly> that include breakfast?

<LoveDream> that is what we were told because someone in Perth was actually stayi

ng at the hotel

<LoveDream> don't know, but we can go to macca's

<LoveDream> that should be ok with our budget

<Archer2> Hyatt Melbourne is definitely more. I asked 'em when I snuck in...

Emmy_Doll has joined #Mariah

<mryefan> did they get to meet Her at the hotel?

<LoveDream> do you think she will come back to perth? I wouldn't think so after

the crowd there

<Archer2> Unless they were kidding me 'cause they didn't like me.

<Nozfly> burgers and fries for breakfast ain't healthy

<Emmy_Doll> im back you guys :)

<LoveDream> yup, I met her at the hotel too

<Nozfly> Nearly CD change time...

<Archer2> OK. We're taking a break after this track.

<LoveDream> we can't have burgers and fries for breakfast since they have a break

fast meal

<Archer2> I wantto hear this infamous Turkey Song.

<LoveDream> you guys are slow mine has finished

<Archer2> I met Trey and some of Elite Force. Got close and personal. But that wa

s about all.

<Nozfly> mine too

ksims2 has joined #mariah

<LoveDream> when are we playing the turkey song

<Vanishing> i just heard it

<Archer2> Hey KEN!

<ksims2> hey hey

<Archer2> Hey Emmy Doll!

<Vanishing> the tukey song sounded crazy

<Archer2> nearly 6 hours later, and this scene is still happenin'

<mryefan> hi Ken

<LoveDream> I met someof elite force and trey loved my sign :)

<Emmy_Doll> Hey Archer :))))))

<Vanishing> very weird

<Vanishing> still nice though

<ksims2> hi mryefan

Archer2 opens Marcel, his mailer (you know, Marcel Marceau- the MIME...)

<Emmy_Doll> what sign was that love dream?

<LoveDream> it is funny though, we were just laughing like anything

<missmod> hi ken

<Archer2> Acorn have such a weird sense of humour. Nutty you migt say.

<LoveDream> "G'Day Mariah! What's Trey's Phone Number?"

<Emmy_Doll> heheh oh yeah, I heard about that :)

<ksims2> hi missmod

<Archer2> A girl in Melbourne- Freda- had me chase Trey to the Crown Casino for h


<LoveDream> did you, where?

<Vanishing> thanks again for sending it

Crave has joined #Mariah

<Nozfly> Did anyone do a bootleg tape or video of the whole concert?

<LoveDream> that's ok

<Emmy_Doll> umm all over the net, some web sites, the vision list

<Vanishing> Guys, i gotta go now and cook

<LoveDream> do you like it?

<ksims2> hi Crave

<LoveDream> yes

<Vanishing> i love all Mariah songs

<Moonfleet> Gotta go now... :-( Bye bye everyone! Have a nice party!!!

<LoveDream> how do you think we got this country song

<LoveDream> bye

<Emmy_Doll> bye moonfleet

<Archer2> See ya Vanishing. You are great.

mryefan2 has joined #mariah

<mc4ever> bye moonfleet

<Archer2> Bye Moon.

<Vanishing> Happy Birthday Mariah!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Nozfly> There aren't any bootleg cds tho?

<Vanishing> u too Archer!

<Agent-M> If anyone has a bootleg tape, they can make ALOT of money

<LoveDream> no, only tapes

<Vanishing> see ya on vision

<Agent-M> just watch out for those Sony people.. hehehe

Moonfleet has left IRC : BIRTHDAY, MARIAH!!!

<Archer2> Hey Ken, the party is so big, it's on two channels. They are playing MI

DIs and spin the bottle in MariahFanWorld. :-)

<Emmy_Doll> Love dream: do you mean did i like the sign?

<Vanishing> Bye Agent-M!!

<Agent-M> bye Vanishing

<Agent-M> :-)

<LoveDream> Emmy_Doll: which concert did you go to?

<Nozfly> I got kicked from fanworld after 60mins idle!

<ksims2> is anyone willing to sell/trade a copy of any tapes from MC concerts dow

n there ???

<LoveDream> maybe

<Emmy_Doll> MC's second Sydney concert

<Emmy_Doll> u???

<LoveDream> I went to Brisbane and Perth

<Archer2> Go on, Mich. You can trust Ken.

<Nozfly> Anders send me a CD he made of 'Greatest Hits'

<LoveDream> it's not mine though

<LoveDream> I got it from someone else

<Emmy_Doll> ugggh you are lucky :))) but i did see her, and got her autograph, at

Moranda Westfield

<ksims2> Noz: I got that cd two, its GREAT !!)

<Emmy_Doll> Miranda i mean

<ksims2> thanks Archer )

<Crave> sorry guys. i was lagged.. Hi everyone!!

<Agent-M> You can bet, if I can, I'm sneaking a portable DAT recorder into a NYC


<Nozfly> Have you seen the bootleg video of MSG?

<Crave> Agent-M.. where do u live?

<mryefan2> i've got a good stereo microphone if you need one :))

<LoveDream> I'll have one for the next Mariah concerts for sure. I heard soemone

filmed all of the perth concert but it isn't it good condition because he was so

far away

<Agent-M> Pennsylvania

mryefan has left IRC : timeout for mryefan[ux4.cso.uiuc.edu]

Vanishing has left IRC : error to Vanishing[ip91.sikatuna.manila-online.net]:

Connection reset by peer

<Crave> oh..: I live in NY :)

mryefan2 has become mryefan

scorp61 has left IRC : error to scorp61[ts002d01.ind-in.concentric.net]: Conn

ection reset by peer

<Nozfly> A bit like the MSG one then?


<Agent-M> I think we should start a bootleg ring between us mariah fans ! hehehe


<Archer2> Damn Marcel died. Doesn't like big attachments, obviously.

<mryefan> anyone got a cd recorder? :)

<LoveDream> Just use a walkman to record it, they record really well

<LoveDream> don't forget the camera though

<Agent-M> I think i'll just use Minidisc

<Agent-M> they're pretty reliable

<ksims2> noz: were did you get your MSG video boot from ???

<MCDUDE> i wish i got the Hawai'i concert on tape:( That wouldv'e made the BEST b


<LoveDream> I've got Perth on tape and it is fantastic

<Nozfly> Ken: a sleasy basement record store

<ksims2> Noz: is the quality of the recording any good ??

<ksims2> LOveDream: is the Perth you have on tape audio or video ?

<Nozfly> It varies

<LoveDream> tape audio

<ksims2> cool

<MCDUDE> oohhhh. i want:)

<Archer2> Marcel don't like your attachment, Michelle.

<Archer2> Why is it so quiet.

<Archer2> Am I lagging?