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41 Operating system statements

The computer includes a large and powerful operating system. This can be accessed from user-written machine code routines or from BASIC. If a BASIC statement starts with an asterisk then the whole of the rest of the statement is passed to the operating systems directly. The operating system (O.S.) commands include,

*LOAD Loads a section of memory (not a BASIC program) (see page 393)
*SAVE Saves a section of memory (see page 392)
*RUN Loads and executes a machine code program (see page 392)
*CAT Displays a catalogue of files on the cassette/disc/net (see page 391)
*KEY Programs one of the user-defined keys (see page 141 and 441)
*OPT Determines how the computer reacts to errors during loading of cassettes and the amount of detail given during cassette operations (see page 434)
*FX Enables the user to control a large number of the computer effects such as flash rate (see page 418)
*TAPE Selects the cassette filing system running at 120 characters per second (1200 baud)
*TAPE3 Selects the cassette filing system running at 30 characters per second (300 baud)
*DISC These two statements select the disc file system
*DISK so that all future file operations (e.g. LOAD and SAVE) work to the floppy disc units

*NET Selects the network file system for all future file operations
*SPOOL Copies all screen output to a named file (see page 402)
*EXEC Uses a named file to provide input as if it had been typed in at the keyboard (see pages 394 and 402)
*MOTOR Can be used to turn the cassette motor relay on and off
*TV This can be used to move the whole of the displayed picture up or down the screen and also controls the picture interlace (see page 435)
*TELESOFT (provisional)
*TERMINAL (provisional)
*ROM Selects the ROM cartridge file system

Exit: BBC Microcomputer User Guide; Kasoft Typesetting; Archer

The BBC Microcomputer User Guide was written by John Coll and edited by David Allen for the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Optical character recognition and original formatting effort by Mark Usher.

HTML version maintained by: Kade "Archer" Hansson; e-mail:

Last updated: Monday 12th February 2001