If You Said It Was Okay...

If you said it was okay for me to cuddle you
I would take every opporunity to form an embrace
Because I know it would be so warm and gentle
And it would make you happy too
That's what makes it okay

If you said it was okay for me to talk to you I would talk to you about everything Because I know that you would listen And that you would never repeat it Unless I said it was okay

If you said it was okay for me to kiss you I would kiss you on the hand If it was still okay, I'd kiss your cheek And then I would kiss you on the lips But only if it was okay

If you said it was okay for me to love you I would love you 'til the end of time Because I would do anything to please you And try never to hurt you But first you have to say it's okay

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Exit: Make-Believe; Kasoft Typesetting; Archer

This work is a part of the Kasoft Typesetting storybook Make-Believe

Kasoft is a registered trademark of Kasoft Software, owned by Kade Hansson.

Copyright 1994,1996,1997 Kade "Archer" Hansson; e-mail: kasoft@kaserver5.org