The first quarter of the party... Featuring performances from Dima Nechitailenko (Visioneer '95 from Russia), Brittany "One Sweet Day" Conley (with her first reading of The Speech) and Ken Sims (Vision master), along with a CHEESY PIZZA, MEGALITREs of DRINKs, and much much more! Music includes "Music Box" (in honour of Sunbelt) and two tracks from "Daydream" (in memory of the 1995 Daydream party).
The second quarter of the party... Featuring "MusicBox", The Annoying Bot; The Cake-Cutting Ceremony; and a couple a more appearances from the "PizzaMan". Ken visits and Brittany does her speech again. Meanwhile "Crave" fixes "MusicBox". Drinks continue to flow. Music from "Daydream", "Mariah Carey" and "Butterfly".
The third quarter of the party... Featuring Michelle "Birthday Girl" Naumann (Visioneer from Australia) and Ken's third and final visit. "Butterfly" continues to play, and then we move onto "Emotions" and "Merry Christmas" (in March, mind you) and "Unplugged". We also played "Unplugged", but my spool cut off for an hour. During that hour we discussed our encounters with various of Mariah's entourage from the Oz tour, amongst other things.
The fourth quarter of the party... Featuring "Crave" and Ryan "DarkCalm" Dawson, and the stayers like "MCDUDE" and "Emmy_Doll". Basically, if they're still at the party after eight hours, they deserve a medal. Includes my signoff.
"The Archer Review" is a publication of Kasoft Typesetting
Kasoft is a registered trademark of Kasoft Software, owned by Kade Hansson.
Author and editor: Kade "Archer" Hansson; e-mail:
Last updated: Monday 30th March 1998