Archer's Dossier

Name: Sophie "Archer" White

Kasoft Base: 16 Elizabeth Street, Devonport, Tasmania 7310, AUSTRALIA

Kasoft House: 7/7 Lynton Avenue, South Hobart, Tasmania 7004, AUSTRALIA

Corporate phone: [61] (4) 1717 2442


Birthday: 01/09/1980

Sign: Virgo, the virgin

Sex: Yes, please (Austin Powers reference FTW)

Height: 175 cm

Mass: 170 kg

BMI: Just call me Roly-Poly

Hair: I'm the blue haired one

Eyes: Green

Identifying marks: Oval birthmark on left ankle; feint bicycle crash scar on left knee (ouch!)

IQ: 160

Clophoppers: 9 Australia men's sizes, 11 Australia women's (9.5 US men's sizes, 11 US women's)

Sustained typing speed: 3.3 Bs-1

Occupation: Computer Programmer

Hobbies: Reading, Writing (Poetry, Stories, Novels, Essays, Articles, Letters,) Graphic Design (Logos, Posters, Packaging, Page Layout,) Music Appreciation, Cinema, Homemade Movies

Other interests: Chaos theory (fractals), Quantum chromodynamics (strong force), Cosmology, GUTs, Gender politics

Favourite author:

Paul Preuss (Human Error; Maelstrom)

Favourite musician:

Mariah Carey

Favourite director:

Kevin Smith (Clerks; Chasing Amy)

Favourite TV show: Buffy—The Vampire Slayer (1996-2003)

Favourite song: Looking In (1995)

Favourite remix: Fantasy (Def Club Mix) (1995)

Favourite album: Butterfly (1997)

Favourite instrumental album: Oxygene (1976)

Favourite compilation album: Deconstruction Classics (2000)

Favourite movie: Ghostbusters (1984)

Favourite documentary: Bowling for Columbine (2002)

Favourite drama: American Beauty (2000)

Favourite numbers: 64, 17, pi, googol, 3.46410161...

Favourite colours: Blue/Cyan, Yellow/Gold, Red/Magenta, Grey/Silver

True love: Pizza (Hobart Pizza specifically)

Favourite pizza toppings: Mushrooms, Pineapple, Mild Salami

Favourite toy: Rubik's Magic 3 × 3 × 3

Favourite mental state: Dreaming

Exit: Archer

Author and editor: Sophie "Archer" White; e-mail:

Last updated: Wednesday 28th September 2022