The World According To The Archer

Here is an index of the articles etc. I have written or plan to write about the world around me.
Manifestos (alphabetical)
CDs What CDs are, and more importantly to today's DRMed world, what they are not
Copyright Copyright seems to have lost its way, so let's put it back on track
Diversity Diversity is something to be valued, even in terms of today's technologies
DNS If only names for computers on the Internet were founded in sanity
DVDs What DVDs could have been
Hardware Why the latest and greatest hardware is not necessarily the best
History Future shapers must always accept the wisdom and reject the folly of what has come before
Introduction (home page) According to the Archer, what is up with the world?
Network Ecosystem, The Understanding what makes the Internet (not its applications) great (i.e. its applications)
Software There is more than one way to write software, and none is more valid than any other
World What could the world have been like if it had began as a requirements definition?
Informal articles (alphabetical)
And see "Words, And"
Blogs I don't do blogs, because blogs are bad
Punctuation (index)
the order of Commas, semi-colons and full stops always with clause before, colons with clause after
Ellipsis Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Viz see "Words, Viz"
Words (index)
spelling of Coz u carnt spel
And "And" can be used, without inverted commas, to start sentences
or See "And"
Viz "Viz" is still a useful word, and you should know what it is for
Formal articles
13th Floor, The see "Movie References, The 13th Floor"
7½th Floor, The see "Movie References, The 7½th Floor"
Doh Ray Egon see "Movie References, Doh Ray Egon"
I'd Like A Ticket To Fiji see "Movie References, I'd Like A Ticket To Fiji"
Ludicrous Speed see "Movie References, Ludicrous Speed"
PC Load Letter see "Movie References, PC Load Letter"
Movie References (index)
13th Floor, The
7½th Floor, The
Doh Ray Egon
I'd Like A Ticket To Fiji
Ludicrous Speed
PC Load Letter
Take The Red Pill
Searching see "Sorting and Searching"
Sorting And Searching Sort sort sort sort sort
Take The Red Pill see "Movie References, Take The Red Pill"
Essays (two listed)
Soviet Union, The Rise And Fall Of A prototype essay I wrote a long time ago
Ultimate Graphical User Interface, The Another essay I wrote more recently, which marks a point in time when the rot had just started
Thesis (one listed)
Java, Trees Versus Bytes Abstract once, optimize everywhere
Blatant advertisments (alphabetical)
Acorn And The RISC Machine Reduce, reuse, recycle
Audio Visual Read Audiotek
Board Games Read Play-K
Carey, Mariah Buy her albums
Domains Concerned with separation of concerns?
Java Write once, run everywhere
KaOS Pay no attention the the man behind Curtains
Kasoft Buy my software
Keckers Play Keckers
Monopoly Read Monopolybase
Typesetting and Typography Read all about it (provided its set nicely and it's in a nice font)
Typography See "Typesetting and Typography"
Storybooks (two listed)
Always Be My Baby A collection of short stories
Make-Believe An earlier collection of short stories
Novellas (two listed)
Queen Of Hearts I kissed a girl, and I liked it.
Tale Of Two STEMs, A I used to be called Kade Hansson.
An Actual Book? (zero listed)
If only I had written one... Well, you can't have everything.

Exit: Archer

Author and editor: Sophie "Archer" White; e-mail:

Last updated: Thursday 29th September 2022